
Frozen Flyers717 viewsA group of South Coast pilots recently took advantage of this winter's cold conditions to use Snipatuit Pond as a landing strip. The pilots use charts provided by the United States Government to determine if the thickness of the ice is enough to support the weight of their airplanes. Pilot Ben Bailey, who lives on the shores of the pond and hosted this past week's get together, flies a seaplane off of the pond during warmer weather months. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (10 votes)

Plumb Spooky2214 views2008 Plumb Corner Halloween     (10 votes)

Wood, If I Could634 viewsThe ever-popular Woodsman Show remains a highlight of Rochester’s annual Country Fair and was held on Friday evening, August 22. Here a contestant displays his skills at the difficult and sometimes dangerous axe-throwing competition. Other events included log rolling, bow sawing, disc stacking, spring board chop, two-person cross cut, chainsaw cutting, and downward chop. Some of the woodmen came from as far away as Vermont to compete in this year’s program. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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Easter Egg Hunt592 viewsAnnual Pre-School and Elementary Student Easter Egg Hunt held on Saturday, March 22, at the Plumb Corner Mall in Rochester. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (9 votes)

Under the Big Top620 viewsThe renowned Cole Brothers Circus made a recent stop in the field adjacent to the Plumb Corner Mall in Rochester last week to entertain the young and young-at-heart. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (9 votes)

Frozen Flyers583 viewsLocal Pilots Mike Dupont, Melinda Dupont, Mike Paganini, Roger Nodzo, Charlie Pickett, Joe Craig, James Melville, Ben Bailey, Michelle Bailey. Rob Hatch, Patrick Leroy, Steve Manchester, Bill Hunt, Barbara Hunt, Damian Frattasio and Steve Sperry gather each weekend to fly together to a chosen destination and swap stories over breakfast. On many of their excursions the pilots bring along their children to share the experience. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (8 votes)

Global Warming633 viewsStudents at Rochester's Memorial School were given a rare look at a scaled model of Planet Earth during a recent Earth Balloon program sponsored by professors from Bridgewater State College. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (8 votes)

Circus Time521 viewsThe Cole Brothers Circus made its annual visit to Rochester's Plumb Corner on Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25. The Circus, which featured highflying aerial acts, animal acts and plenty of clowns played four shows under the big top during its two-day stay. Proceeds from the circus will help to fund children's events throughout the year at Plumb Corner such as the Annual Easter egg hunt and the Halloween party. Photo by Robert Chiarito     (7 votes)

Senior Sweethearts644 viewsEight Seniors Competing for the title of Miss Senior South Coast 2009 on Friday March 6, 2009 at Alden Court Nursing and Rehab Center at 6:30 pm. Left to Right Front Row: Lillian Mary Fernandes (Fairhaven), Marie Bolger (South Dartmouth), Madeicha Szklarski (New Bedford), and Natalia Roderick (New Bedford).
Back Row: Left to Right: Esther Barker (Fairhaven), Hilda Connor (Fairhaven), Shirley Parker (Fairhaven), Celeste Forte (Acushnet).
     (7 votes)

Church Donation634 viewsOn Sunday, August 26 a ceremony was held by the Rochester Land Trust to honor George Church and his late wife Katherine for their years of service and commitment to the Town of Rochester as the trust dedicated a wildlife preservation area in the couple's name. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (7 votes)

Dispatcher Honored755 viewsRochester Chief Dispatcher Tracy Eldridge receives the Thirteenth Annual Jeff Grossman 9-1-1 Telecommunicator of the Year Award from Daniel Grossman, son of the award’s namesake, recognizing her as the state’s outstanding dispatcher for the past year. Ms. Eldridge was nominated by Police Chief Paul Magee for all her hard work and effort in running the town’s unique civilian Communications Department. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (7 votes)

Officers Commended731 views(L. to R.) Rochester Dispatcher Jonathan Weedall, Officer John Barnes, and Officer Sean Crook were recently commended by Police Chief Paul Magee (far right) and the Board of Selectmen for helping to capture an armed and dangerous bank robbery suspect on June 1 in Rochester. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).     (7 votes)
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