
Valentine Tea316 viewsThe Marion Art Center hosted an American Girl themed Valentine Tea Party on February 6, 2010. Over 20 girls dressed in their pink and red finest enjoyed dainty finger foods, festive cupcakes, red fruit punch, and tea. Morgan Middleton played Kirsten and Phoebe Mock played Singing Bird in the Marion Art Center American Girl mini-musical that accompanied the tea party. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Valentine Tea315 viewsThe Marion Art Center hosted an American Girl themed Valentine Tea Party on February 6, 2010. Over 20 girls dressed in their pink and red finest enjoyed dainty finger foods, festive cupcakes, red fruit punch, and tea. Morgan Middleton played Kirsten and Phoebe Mock played Singing Bird in the Marion Art Center American Girl mini-musical that accompanied the tea party. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Valentine Tea302 viewsThe Marion Art Center hosted an American Girl themed Valentine Tea Party on February 6, 2010. Over 20 girls dressed in their pink and red finest enjoyed dainty finger foods, festive cupcakes, red fruit punch, and tea. Morgan Middleton played Kirsten and Phoebe Mock played Singing Bird in the Marion Art Center American Girl mini-musical that accompanied the tea party. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Valentine Tea306 viewsThe Marion Art Center hosted an American Girl themed Valentine Tea Party on February 6, 2010. Over 20 girls dressed in their pink and red finest enjoyed dainty finger foods, festive cupcakes, red fruit punch, and tea. Morgan Middleton played Kirsten and Phoebe Mock played Singing Bird in the Marion Art Center American Girl mini-musical that accompanied the tea party. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Derby Days313 viewsOn Saturday, January 30, 2010 Marion's Scouts Pack 32 held the first Pine Wood Derby in three years. The Derby was held at the Sippican School where scouts raced cars weighing less than 5 ounces down a sloped wooden track. Everyone cheered as the wooden cars raced down the track in packs or four. Photo by Felix Perez.     (1 votes)

Historic Fire352 viewsAccording to the Marion assessor�s database, the house was built in 1690. Other records indicate that the house suffered a fire in the early 1700�s, and was rebuilt in 1750. The extent of the rebuild is unknown. Like many 17th century homes, this house originally had a center chimney that will be completely removed with the move.     (1 votes)

Annual Tree Sale349 viewsA Decorating Committee from the Sippican Woman�s Club produced over 50 festive trees for the Tree Spree, which started in Handy�s Tavern. The tavern was decked out with themed trees, including a Barbie tree, a Hannukah tree, a Mallard duck tree, and even a tree decorated with recycled items like bottles and plastic bags. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Annual Tree Sale330 viewsA Decorating Committee from the Sippican Woman�s Club produced over 50 festive trees for the Tree Spree, which started in Handy�s Tavern. The tavern was decked out with themed trees, including a Barbie tree, a Hannukah tree, a Mallard duck tree, and even a tree decorated with recycled items like bottles and plastic bags. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Annual Tree Sale318 viewsA Decorating Committee from the Sippican Woman�s Club produced over 50 festive trees for the Tree Spree, which started in Handy�s Tavern. The tavern was decked out with themed trees, including a Barbie tree, a Hannukah tree, a Mallard duck tree, and even a tree decorated with recycled items like bottles and plastic bags. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Annual Tree Sale333 viewsA Decorating Committee from the Sippican Woman�s Club produced over 50 festive trees for the Tree Spree, which started in Handy�s Tavern. The tavern was decked out with themed trees, including a Barbie tree, a Hannukah tree, a Mallard duck tree, and even a tree decorated with recycled items like bottles and plastic bags. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Annual Tree Sale346 viewsA Decorating Committee from the Sippican Woman�s Club produced over 50 festive trees for the Tree Spree, which started in Handy�s Tavern. The tavern was decked out with themed trees, including a Barbie tree, a Hannukah tree, a Mallard duck tree, and even a tree decorated with recycled items like bottles and plastic bags. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)

Santa's Arrival321 viewsMarion children gave a rock star�s welcome to Santa Claus, who arrived at Marion�s Annual Holiday Stroll by boat on December 13. The pouring rain didn�t stop Santa from spreading candy and holiday cheer to the crowd of exciting children. Clydesdale horses waited patiently to take visitors on a stroll through the village, and the town Christmas tree was lit at Bicentennial Park. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.     (1 votes)
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