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Top rated - Mattapoisett
Treasure Island549 viewsThe Old Hammondtown School Drama Club presented a musical adaptation of the classic Robert Louis Stevenson tale, Treasure Island, on Thursday evening, April 17 before an audience of several hundred people in the Mattapoisett school’s auditorium. The show was directed by ORR High School student Chelsie Nectow, who recently starred in the ORR Drama Club’s production of Evita, and featured over 50 Old Hammondtown students. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(11 votes)
Choral Works485 viewsMembers of the Sippican Choral Society recently rehearsed at the Mattapoisett Congregational Church. Rehearsals for the 2009 Spring concert, “Days of Blue and Gray,” are now taking place and new members may join until January 26 and no auditions are required. Rehearsals will be held on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Congregational Church’s Reynard Hall, 27 Church Street, Mattapoisett. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(10 votes)
Permanent Planting515 viewsFamily and friends gather for the unveiling of this newly-installed plaque rededicating the red maple tree just beneath the clock tower at Center School in memory of Suzanne Rogers, a first grader at the school who died tragically in 1977 when she was struck by a car. The Mattapoisett School Committee commissioned a new plaque to forever announce the tree’s significance. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(10 votes)
YMCA Gala547 viewsMattapoisett YMCA’s Waterfront Gala was held on Saturday night, September 15. The evening fundraiser was the third such annual event aimed at generating revenue that will help maintain old programs and facilities and create new programs at the YMCA’s Mattapoisett location. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(4 votes)
Mattapoisett53 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley55555
(2 votes)
Seagull21 viewsOpen wide, lunch "to go" for this seagull. Photo by Jennifer Shepley55555
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Mattapoisett Congregational Church 29 viewsMattapoisett Congregational Church displays a banner announcing its status as a Just Peace church. Drew, and Lynne Nahigyan work with an entire committee of church members and community members focused on education, justice, climate and many other social issues. Photo courtesy of Jennifer F. Shepley55555
(2 votes)
Mattapoisett Harbor89 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley55555
(2 votes)
Mattapoisett Congregational Church200 viewsMattapoisett Congregational Church. Photo by Jennifer F. Shepley55555
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Turn the Page455 viewsThe newly-renovated and expanded Mattapoisett Free Public Library held a formal Open House on Saturday, March 15 during which some 100 residents were given an opportunity to tour and see the town’s new facility. A follow-up grand opening and rededication ceremony is also planned for later this year to coincide with the Fifth Annual Library Day event when the town’s many summer residents return on Tuesday, July 15. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(2 votes)
Sing Into Spring530 viewsSippican Choral Society Director Brian Roderick leads the group during their first rehearsal for the upcoming Spring Concert. The 90-member chorus rehearses every Monday evening in Reynard Hall at the Mattapoisett Congregational Church. The rehearsals are preparing the choir for their April 25 and 26 concert at the Unitarian Memorial Church in Fairhaven. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(2 votes)
Lions Inductees518 viewsDeb Lariviere and Jim Davidson, two of the newest members of the Mattapoisett Lions Club, were recently installed at the club’s last meeting. (Photo by and courtesy of Helene Rose).55555
(2 votes)
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