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Top rated - Mattapoisett
Perkins Honored565 viewsLongtime Planning Board member Barry Perkins was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for his previous 15 years of service to the town by the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen during their recent meeting. Pictured (l. to r. ) are Selectman Stephen Lombard, Selectmen Chairman Raymond Andrews, Barry Perkins, and Selectman Jordan Collyer. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).55555
(1 votes)
Postal Plantings556 viewsAnne Shepley and Pat McCarthy of the Garden Group of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club recently spent the morning adding colorful plantings to the window boxes outside the Mattapoisett Post Office. The group takes on this project every year and maintains the plantings throughout the summer months. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(1 votes)
Painting in the Park648 viewsMarion artist Charles Parsons (foreground) paints a portrait and landscape as Mattapoisett Library Director and musician Judy Wallace performs (background) during the recent "Arts in the Park" benefit held in Mattapoisett's Shipyard Park on Sunday, June 24. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(9 votes)
Mini Nutcracker442 viewsMattapoisett dancers Corvina Silva (kneeling) as Chinese Tea; Kathryn Stellato (standing) as a flower; Kathryn Sebastiao, as a flute; Emily Bungert, as Spanish Chocolate; and Sofia Gabriel, as Russian Trepak, will all be featured in the New Bedford Youth Ballet’s production of The Mini-Nutcracker, to be staged in the Alves Theater of the New Bedford Ballet. The production will be performed on Saturday, December 6; Sunday, December 7; Friday, December 12; Saturday, December 13; and Sunday, December 14.55555
(8 votes)
Winter of Discontent434 viewsKenny Pimental, Randy Tanque, Zach Ruscik and George Quirk of Fairhaven didn’t let temperatures in the teens stop them from an agressive game on the frozen Acushnet Road cranberry bogs in Mattapoisett recently. (Photo by Tim Smith).55555
(7 votes)
Wintertime399 viewsMattapoisett seasonal resident Trish O'Neill was visiting from Georgia during the week of New Year's Day and captured some beautiful snowfall around Ned's Point. Photos courtesy of Ms. O'Neill.55555
(5 votes)
Hall Hunting541 viewsThe Mattapoisett Congregational Church held their annual Rummage and White Elephant Sale on Saturday, September 29 in the church's Reynard Hall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

(8 votes)
Winter Scene52 viewsPhoto by Jennifer Shepley 55555
(4 votes)
Police Planting496 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club, represented by chapter president Steve Magyar (far left), recently presented a replica check for $300 to Mattapoisett Tree Warden Roland Cote and Mattapoisett Tree Committee members Sandy Hering and Ed Walsh, to pay for a recently-planted Princeton Elm at the Mattapoisett Police Station on Route 6. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(4 votes)
Helping the Homeless496 viewsStudents in Old Rochester Regional Junior High School’s Enrichment Program have been collecting goods to help make the lives of several struggling families a bit brighter this holiday season. As a reminder of their efforts, they recently set up a makeshift homeless shelter in the junior high school lobby. Pictured here in front of the shelter are students, from left, Megan Bell, Julie Blezard, Evan Sylvia, Abby Robinson and Cayla Stafford.55555
(9 votes)
Photo by Jen Shepley50 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley55555
(3 votes)
Mattapoisett Harbor20 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley55555
(3 votes)
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