
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006548 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006     (11 votes)

Angel and Devil688 viewsThis brother-and-sister team was seen marching in the Mattapoisett Halloween Parade wearing costumes to which parents can certainly relate. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).     (11 votes)

House of Horrors!600 viewsSpooky setpieces are strewn throughout the Haunted Yard display located at 57 Fort Street in Fairhaven (across from the Fairhaven Shipyard). This annual “Terror Tradition” is hosted by the father and son team of Richard and Matthew Brodeur to benefit local Shriner’s Hospitals. The yard is open to visitors — if you dare! — every Friday and Saturday night from dusk until 9:30 pm and on Sundays from dusk until 9:00 pm throughout the month of October, including Halloween night. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).     (13 votes)

YMCA Waterfront Gala751 viewsPictured at last weekend’s YMCA Waterfront Gala in Mattapoisett are Bill and Melissa Whelan; Mr. and Ms. Frederick M. Kalisz Jr.; Mr. and Ms. Fernando Garcia; and special guest, former Red Sox pitcher Louie Tiant. A portion of the proceeds from the annual event will support upgrades to the Mattapoisett skate park and baseball fields as well as increase the shade areas on these sites. In addition, proceeds will also fund the “Make It Happen Campaign." (Photo by Laura McLean).     (15 votes)

Rochester Library Reopening587 viewsFormer Library Director Olivia Melo, Rochester Facilities Manager Mike Meunier, and Library Board of Trustee Chairman Deborah Briggs cut the ribbon on the completed vestibule and renovations at the Plumb Memorial Library on Saturday, December 2. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).     (17 votes)

Rochester Library Reopening606 viewsMembers of the Plumb Memorial Library Board of Trustees, Friends of the Plumb Library, and Rochester residents attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completed vestibule and renovations at the Rochester Library held on Saturday, December 2. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).     (17 votes)

Rochester Police Department936 viewsRochester Police Department     (20 votes)

Team Spirit573 viewsAlex Buckley and Matt Buckley, both of Mattapoisett, make their way under the arch bridge in Mattapoisett for the final stretch of the Memorial Day Boat Race held on Monday, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (10 votes)

Memorial Day Speaker489 viewsRochester resident LTC (Ret) Anthony S. Ruocco will be the Principal Speaker at Mattapoisett’s Annual Memorial Day Ceremonies to be held on Monday, May 28 beginning at 1:30 pm at Center School. LTC Ruocco graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1979 and served on the faculty of his alma mater from 1996 until his retirement in 2002, having served 23 years on active duty. (Photo courtesy of Paula Butterfield).     (10 votes)

Mom's Marathon '07474 viewsAn estimated 400 runners and walkers came out to the Oxford Creamery in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 13 to participate in the first annual Tiara Classic Mother’s Day 5K Road Race. The race was held to benefit the Women’s Fund of Southeastern Massachusetts. Many of the runners donned tiaras and capes, making this event one of the more colorful local road races. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (10 votes)

Planning for 150417 viewsOn Sunday, April 1, a group of gardening enthusiasts gathered at The Mattapoisett Inn for a benefit aimed at helping to beautify the town with flowers in advance of this summer’s 150th birthday celebration. The project will include installing window boxes at Shipyard Park and the Town Beach and also planting a flower bed in the shape of the 150th Anniversary logo at the entrance to the Town Wharf. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (10 votes)

Fun for Finleys410 viewsFriends and family gathered on Sunday, April 1 at the American Legion Hall in Mattapoisett to celebrate a combined 170 years of birthdays. About 80 people filled the hall to honor one of the town’s most beloved couples, Don and Hope Finley. Don will turn 90 in May and Hope just turned 80 last month. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (10 votes)
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