The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Top rated - Tri-Town
Santa's Sleigh532 viewsHappy children ride along with Santa Claus on a carriage drawn by the Clydesdale horses during the 2006 Marion Village Holiday Stroll which took place on Sunday, December 10. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(14 votes)
Dance the Night Away434 viewsThe Mattapoisett Congregational Church hosted a family-oriented night of "Dancing with the Stars" on Friday, March 23. Young and old alike danced to the music of DJ Don Hunt from City Lights Disc Jockey Services and then were thrilled to dance alongside special guest 'stars' The Cat in the Hat and Shrek! Members of Heidi Parker Catelli's dance troupe were also on hand to teach a few dance steps. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(16 votes)
Marion Museum Holiday570 viewsThe recent holiday party at the Marion Natural History Museum was a great success. This annual event was held this year as an after-school drop-in open house. Those attending made ornaments, ate cookies and candy, and had fun hanging out with friends. (Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold.)44444
(20 votes)
ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006552 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(21 votes)
Mudgie's Namesake 26815 viewsMaurice “Mudgie” Tavares, a longtime staff custodian at Center School in Mattapoisett and a dedicated benefactor of the town's youth, looks on while students file out for the dedication of the school's playground in his honor. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(132 votes)
Mattapoisett Memorial Day 20057477 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Cub Scout Troop stand at attention outside the Mattapoisett Free Public Library during Memorial Day Services this past week. The annual observance drew a sizeable crowd which was treated to public speakers, performances of patriotic music by the Old Hammondtown School Band, and a keynote address from Commander John Landis, USN, of the Newport Naval War College. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(133 votes)
Rochester COA Director911 viewsVarious Rochester town officials and residents gathered at the Rochester Senior Center last week to meet and greet the town’s newly-hired Council on Aging (COA) Director, Sharon Lally (third from left, with corsage). Here she is seen chatting with (l. to r.) Mike Muenier, Patricia Ryan, and Police Chief Paul Magee during the event (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(52 votes)
New Digs in Mattapoisett625 viewsStaff members working in Mattapoisett’s newly-renovated Financial Department at the rear of the first floor of Town Hall include (l. to r.) Catherine Barrows, Town Treasurer/Tax Collector Brenda Herbeck, and Sarah Piehler. An Open House has been slated for Wednesday, January 17 from 9:00 to 11:00 am so residents can view the newly-completed offices firsthand. All are welcome and refreshments will be served. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(28 votes)
Get Well in Marion525 viewsThe Marion Institute sponsored their annual Wellness Day Community Health Fair at the Marion Music Hall on Saturday, January 27. The event was a gathering of those seeking to find ways to live a healthier lifestyle and featured a wide array of wellness practitioners from throughout the South Coast area. Here Alicia Crabbe of Marion shows a display on chiropractic health. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
(36 votes)
Soup Swap518 viewsReynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church was brimming with several taste sensations on Saturday, January 27 as the church played host to its first annual Soup Swap fundraiser. A perfect antidote to the colder winter climate, the event was the brainchild of Kim Field and it drew about 85 participants who cooked up their own special soup recipe to sample along with appetizers and desserts as well. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).44444
(30 votes)
ORR Thanksgiving Dinner434 viewsThe annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Tri-Town Seniors served at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, November 18, 2007. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(8 votes)
Police Commendation883 viewsConstable Greg Lupson of the Major Crime Unit of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police recently presented Mattapoisett Patrolman Andrew Murray, Sergeant Jason King, and Police Chief Mary Lyons with an award from Canadian authorities for their great teamwork and quick thinking in apprehending Gregory Despres on the night of April 26, 2005. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).44444
(23 votes)
701 files on 59 page(s) 27