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ORR Preschool-Sparky.jpg
Sparky and Friends623 viewsRochester Fire Chief Scott Ashworth and “Sparky the Fire Dog” recently visited the preschool at Old Rochester Regional High School. The preschoolers learned about fire safety and took turns climbing into the fire engine.44444
(21 votes)
Making Mattapoisett Merry566 viewsChildren could find gifts as inexpensive as $1 at the Mattapoisett Congregational Church's annual "Village Country Store" holiday fair held on on Saturday, November 11. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(14 votes)
Cooking Class580 viewsRochester resident Linda Medeiros took time out from her usual duties demonstrating Pampered Chef products to show participants at the Rochester Senior Center how to cook up a couple of delicious delights on Monday, November 13. Here she shows off her finished "Rosemary Parmesan Pinwheels." (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(7 votes)
ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006552 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(29 votes)
Community Cancer Care1945 viewsFriends of Matthew King were on hand to support his cause at Community Cancer Care’s recent Harbor Days fundraiser in Mattapoisett. Pictured here (l. to r.) are Brianna, Mike Days, Chris Beatriz, Lee Costello, Anna VanVorhis, Dodie Fontaine, and Gary Maestas. The group is holding a follow-up benefit Yard Sale this Sunday, August 14 in the Knights of Columbus parking lot on Route 6 in Mattapoisett. (Photo courtesy of Anthony Days).
(74 votes)
Making Merry Music539 viewsMembers of the Rochester Memorial School Band perform holiday classics during the 2006 Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony held at the Rochester Town Hall on Monday, December 11. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(15 votes)
Preparing to Patrol1904 viewsMattapoisett Harbormaster Steve Mach (center) and Assistant Harbormasters Milt Heuberger and Kenneth Pacheco put the finishing touches — and redesigned vinyl lettering — on the newly-purchased SeaHawk Harbormaster's vessel at the Town Wharf. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(40 votes)
Ghosts of Christmas Past611 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Museum and Carriage House held its annual Holiday Open House on Sunday, December 3. The museum was decorated in holiday greens and offered exhibits from holidays past. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(17 votes)
Retiring from Rochester601 viewsJames Huntoon, a former Mattapoisett Selectman, current Mattapoisett Water/Sewer Commissioner, and Rochester Town Administrator, will be retiring from the latter position after serving Rochester for eight years. Mr. Huntoon said he is proud of all that he’s accomplished in Rochester during his tenure and now it’s time for him to move on. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(18 votes)
Mudgie's Namesake 16838 viewsFriends and family members paid tribute to Mattapoisett’s own Maurice “Mudgie” Tavares last week in a formal ceremony to dedicate and name the new Center School Playground in his honor. Mudgie has been a longtime supporter and friend of the children of Mattapoisett — as both a staff member at Center School and the founder of the long-running and ever-popular Mattapoisett Track Club — so the playground dedication was an ideal honor. Former Mattapoisett students were on hand to cite Mudgie’s positive influence and affect on their lives. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(134 votes)
Fairhaven Town Hall900 viewsFairhaven Town Hall44444
(29 votes)
Rochester Welcomes LaCamera605 viewsA welcoming reception for newly-hired Town Administrator Richard LaCamera was held at the Rochester Senior Center on Monday, December 18 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Local and state officials were in attendance, as were former Lakeville colleagues and co-workers of Mr. LaCamera. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(20 votes)
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