
A Christmas Story1713 viewsThree-year-old Emily Wilson of Marion enjoys a Christmas story read by Elaine Botelho (center) and Bobbie Gaspar at Mattapoisett’s Holiday in the Park. Alison Feltman, far left, handed out candy canes during festivities as Santa made his annual arrival and local musicians filled the frosty air with Christmas carols. (Photo by Laura McLean).     (73 votes)

Soup Swap538 viewsReynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church was brimming with several taste sensations on Saturday, January 27 as the church played host to its first annual Soup Swap fundraiser. A perfect antidote to the colder winter climate, the event was the brainchild of Kim Field and it drew about 85 participants who cooked up their own special soup recipe to sample along with appetizers and desserts as well. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (32 votes)

Library Blues Benefit578 viewsDavid Gries (left) and Library Director Judy Wallace (right) perform during the Third Annual Library Night benefit held at the Kinsale Inn in Mattapoisett on Monday, January 22. In addition to great music, the event featured the Inn’s shepherd’s pie, corned beef, beer, wine, and ale. An estimated 168 tickets were sold for the event which raised over $2,000 for the Library’s Building Fund. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).     (19 votes)

East Over Opening713 viewsSteve Sloan, the Southeast Regional Director of the Trustees of Reservations (center, pointing) leads a tour of the newly-opened East Over Farm in Rochester during the recent Grand Opening Celebration. The 75-acre conservation area is now open for public use with walking trails that abut historic stone walls encasing some of the most scenic fields, woods, and ponds in the tri-town area. The Grand Opening drew over 200 participants who came to celebrate the event. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).     (24 votes)

Flying the Town's Flag845 views(L. to R.) Mattapoisett artist Peter Martin, Mattapoisett Lions Club President Lance Calise, and Arthur Blackburn, Chairman of the Lions Club Flag Project, pose with the Mattapoisett town flag designed by Mr. Martin. The flag hangs in the Hall of Flags at the State House depicting the history and spirit of the Mattapoisett community. The Mattapoisett Lions Club will be selling flags at Harbor Days and throughout the year for $35 to benefit Lions Club charities and commemorating the Town’s 150th anniversary.     (34 votes)

Shipyard Park, Mattapoisett1038 viewsShipyard Park, Mattapoisett     (64 votes)

Chilly Christmas Dip621 viewsJust some of the 60 estimated participants who braved the chilly weather to take the plunge into the water off the Mattapoisett Town Beach for a Christmas day swim to benefit the local Helping Hands and Hooves organization on the morning of December 25. One of the horses from the local Seahorse Farms where the non-profit organization is based even got into the act. (Photo courtesy of Debbi Dyson).     (20 votes)

Rochester Rings in New Year565 viewsNew Year’s Eve came early as the Rochester Council on Aging (COA) hosted their First Annual New Year’s Eve Party at the Rochester Senior Center on Friday, December 29. The revelers who attended the party were treated to everything one would expect in a New Year’s celebration. The occaision included music, bubbling drinks, streamers, party hats and a balloon drop and, there was even a master of ceremonies answering to the name Dick Clark! (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (20 votes)

Santa, Baby1031 viewsSanta poses with Caitlin Collier, daughter of Jeremy and Sarah Collier of Mattapoisett, during the photo-taking session at Mattapoisett’s Holiday in the Park. (Photo courtesy of Rebecca McCullough).     (41 votes)

Soup Swap546 viewsReynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church was brimming with several taste sensations on Saturday, January 27 as the church played host to its first annual Soup Swap fundraiser. A perfect antidote to the colder winter climate, the event was the brainchild of Kim Field and it drew about 85 participants who cooked up their own special soup recipe to sample along with appetizers and desserts as well. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).     (31 votes)

Sailing Santa494 viewsAfter arriving in Marion via boat at Island Wharf, Santa Claus greeted the crowd awaiting him before participating in the town's 2006 Annual Holiday Village Stroll. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (16 votes)

Here Comes Santa Claus616 viewsSanta arrives in Shipyard Park during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll on Saturday, December 2. Santa also brought along Mrs. Claus, his helpful elves, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman to delight children during the festivities. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).     (27 votes)
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