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Top rated - Tri-Town
ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006573 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(35 votes)
Dance the Night Away477 viewsThe Mattapoisett Congregational Church hosted a family-oriented night of "Dancing with the Stars" on Friday, March 23. Young and old alike danced to the music of DJ Don Hunt from City Lights Disc Jockey Services and then were thrilled to dance alongside special guest 'stars' The Cat in the Hat and Shrek! Members of Heidi Parker Catelli's dance troupe were also on hand to teach a few dance steps. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(21 votes)
Welcome to Marion562 viewsMarion’s new Town Administrator Paul Dawson (far left) poses with (l. to r.) his wife Joy, daughter Allie, and son Matt, during a special “meet and greet” evening held at the Marion Music Hall on Tuesday, January 30. Mr. Dawson has only been on the job a couple of weeks now, but he has already gotten to know many of the town’s residents and is looking forward to working in Marion. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).44444
(21 votes)
Mattapoisett Holiday Village Stroll 2006575 viewsRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman were among the special guests at Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll on Saturday, December 2 in Shipyard Park. The event included a visit from Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, and friends, along with the traditional town tree lighting ceremony. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(21 votes)
Secret Santa549 viewsEager children ask Jolly Ol' Saint Nicholas for some of their wish-list items for Christmas during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll at Shipyard Park on Saturday, December 2. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(14 votes)
Relay for Life534 viewsThe American Cancer Society held their third annual Relay for Life of the Tri-Town at the Old Rochester Regional High School track on Friday, June 8 and Saturday, June 9 to raise funds in the fight against cancer. This year 21 teams of walkers raised more than $60,000 before the first step had been taken on Friday night — more than tripling the total amount of money raised in the first year of the walk-a-thon in 2005. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(7 votes)
Sunrise Shipyard Service441 viewsMembers and guests of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church gathered in the town’s Shipyard Park for their annual Easter Sunrise Service with Reverend Dr. Virginia H. Child on Sunday, April 8. The chilly but tranquil setting of the harbor glistening in the early morning golden sunlight served well to complement Reverend Child’s sermon on peace and renewal. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(7 votes)
Lizzie T's Spelling Bee548 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Team: Bee MARVELous; Kate Marvel, Becky Love, & Kate Collins
(7 votes)
Run, Run Rudolph510 viewsRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was one of the special guests during the 2006 Marion Village Holiday Stroll held on Sunday, December 10. (Photo by Joe LeClair).44444
(7 votes)
Rochester Halloween '06645 views"The Three Amigos" took the top prize for Best Costume at the Plumb Corner Mall's first-ever Halloween Event held on Monday, October 30. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(7 votes)
Remarkable Recovery765 viewsDerek Ashworth, the son of Scott and Wendy Ashworth of Rochester, poses with Dr. David M. Lowell, MD, a board-certified neurologist and medical director of the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Cape and Islands, where Derek made a remarkable recovery after suffering from Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Derek returned home this past weekend and is well on his way to what many have called a “miraculous recovery.” (Photo courtesy of Carole Stasiowski).44444
(36 votes)
Consider Yourself ... Oliver!1988 viewsJonathan Lee Zucco of Mattapoisett will star in the title role of the New Bedford Festival Theatre’s Production of Oliver! which will run August 5, 6, 11, 12 at 7:30 pm and August 7 and 14 at 3:00 pm at the Zeiterion Theater in New Bedford. This is the third Festival Theatre production for the young actor, who will be entering Grade 6 at Old Hammondtown School this fall. (Photo courtesy of Kelly Zucco).44444
(76 votes)
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