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Top rated - Tri-Town
Hail to the Chiefs489 viewsMembers of the Tri-County Symphonic Band perform during their “Presidential Portrait” concert held on Sunday, February 4 in Old Rochester Regional High School’s Auditorium. The show’s theme was a tribute to both the office of the presidency and commemorated the upcoming President’s Day Holiday. The band will next perform a “La Fiesta” concert on Sunday, March 25 at 3:00 pm at Tabor Academy’s Fireman Performing Arts Center at Hoyt Hall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(41 votes)
La Fiesta in Marion458 viewsMembers of the Tri-County Symphonic Band treated SouthCoast music lovers to a world tour of musical styles and sounds as they presented their 'La Fiesta' concert program at Tabor Academy’s Fireman Performing Arts Center at Hoyt Hall in Marion on Sunday, March 25. The band played a variety of marches, masses and fanfares influenced by music from around the globe. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(19 votes)
Rochester's Early New Year619 viewsNew Year’s Eve came early as the Rochester Council on Aging (COA) hosted their First Annual New Year’s Eve Party at the Rochester Senior Center on Friday, December 29. The revelers who attended the party were treated to everything one would expect in a New Year’s celebration. The occaision included music, bubbling drinks, streamers, party hats and a balloon drop and, there was even a master of ceremonies answering to the name Dick Clark! (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(36 votes)
Stories in Stone865 viewsMattapoisett Historical Museum Curator Bette Roberts poses in front of a few of the historic gravestones on display at the Mattapoisett museum. Ms. Roberts recently gave a guided tour and talk on the Barlow Burying Ground in Mattapoisett. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).44444
(23 votes)
YMCA-McDonalds Grant.jpg
Clowning Achievement1232 viewsThe YMCA of the Southcoast in New Bedford was recently presented with a grant of $25,000 from Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Eastern New England during halftime at a Boston Celtics game. Pictured (l. to r.) are Charlie Winterhalter, President, RMHC of Eastern New England and McDonald’s Owner/Operator; Edie Stevenson, Executive Director, RMHC of Eastern New England; Ronald McDonald; Gary Schuyler, President, YMCA Southcoast; David Joseph, Executive Director, Dartmouth YMCA; and Lucky.44444
(56 votes)
Center School, Mattapoisett1460 viewsCenter School, Mattapoisett44444
(33 votes)
Boy Scout at Jamboree1987 viewsStar Scout Michael Parker of Troop 52 from Saint Mary’s Parish in Fairhaven recently attended the national Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia along with some 31,788 other scouts; 3,532 leaders; and 7,743 staff members.44444
(43 votes)
Preserving Open Space1254 viewsChristopher Makepeace, Joanna Bennett, Zelinda Douhan, and Richard Canning from the Makepeace Neighborhood Fund present a check to Erin Bryant and Susan Adams on behalf of the Rochester Land Trust. The $7,500 grant will be used to preserve open space in the Town of Rochester. (Photo courtesy of Susan Adams).44444
(70 votes)
Defib Donation897 viewsRochester Chief Dispatcher Tracy Eldridge (left) presents Rochester Police Chief Paul Magee (right) with a new portable defibrillator which Ms. Eldridge managed to purchase with a donation she solicited from People in Business Care (PIBC). The $3,000 donated unit will be kept inside one of the on-duty police cruisers at all times. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(30 votes)
Santa's Sleigh488 viewsAfter arriving in Marion via boat at Island Wharf, Santa Claus mounted a carriage drawn by Clydesdale horses to participate in the town's 2006 Annual Holiday Village Stroll. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(10 votes)
Santa in Sippican597 viewsSanta Claus arrived in Marion on Sunday, December 10 via boat in Sippican Harbor to attend the town's 2006 Annual Holiday Village Stroll. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).44444
(27 votes)
Audience With Saint Nick610 viewsChildren lined up to tell Santa what they want for Christmas during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll on Saturday, December 2 at Shipyard Park. (Photo by Chiarito).44444
(17 votes)
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