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Top rated - Tri-Town
Marion Congregational Church912 viewsMarion Congregational Church55555
(20 votes)
Mattapoisett Thanksgiving Walk659 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust recently hosted a walk through the wilds of Brandt Island Cove led by Land Trust member Ruth Bates. The walk offered participants the opportunity to trek through land parcels the organization has proposed to acquire. Ms. Bates guided about two dozen hikers through the thickets and meadows of the Trust’s Ferreira Preserve to the salt marshes along Brandt Island Cove. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(55 votes)
Mattapoisett Holiday Village Stroll 2006570 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club collected wrapped toys and gifts for needy children during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll on Saturday, December 2 in Shipyard Park. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(11 votes)
Mattapoisett Thanksgiving Walk642 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust recently hosted a walk through the wilds of Brandt Island Cove led by Land Trust member Ruth Bates. The walk offered participants the opportunity to trek through land parcels the organization has proposed to acquire. Ms. Bates guided about two dozen hikers through the thickets and meadows of the Trust’s Ferreira Preserve to the salt marshes along Brandt Island Cove. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(54 votes)
Land Ho!905 viewsWeary contestants in the 2006 Annual Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River heave their wooden boat from the water after crossing the finish line. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).55555
(41 votes)
Meet the Candidates1057 viewsCandidates for elected offiices in Mattapoisett recently attended a “Meet the Candidates” night. Pictured here are candidates Steve Hanna, Jim Huntoon, David Kiernan, and Barry Denham. About 30 people stopped by the American Legion Hall on Depot Street on May 7 to meet the candidates during an informal Open House session. Mattapoisett’s Annual Town Election takes place on Tuesday, May 16. (Photo by and courtesy of Rebecca H. McCullough).55555
(56 votes)
La Fiesta in Marion466 viewsMembers of the Tri-County Symphonic Band treated SouthCoast music lovers to a world tour of musical styles and sounds as they presented their 'La Fiesta' concert program at Tabor Academy’s Fireman Performing Arts Center at Hoyt Hall in Marion on Sunday, March 25. The band played a variety of marches, masses and fanfares influenced by music from around the globe. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(15 votes)
Santa, Baby743 viewsSimonne Chiarito has her first sitdown with Santa Claus during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll on Saturday, December 2 at Shipyard Park. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(100 votes)
Marion Holiday Village Stroll 2006539 viewsMembers of the Sippican School Band lead residents along the route of the 2006 Annual Holiday Village Stroll which included appearances from Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Sparky the Fire Dog. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(19 votes)
The Crab-a-Lots775 viewsMembers of the tri-town based Women’s Master (Blue Whale) “Crab-a-Lots” rowing team recently took part in the Buzzards Bay Rowing Club’s First Annual Whaleboat Races held during the Working Waterfront Festival in New Bedford on September 23. The dancing Crab-a-Lots were voted the most energetic team and the one showing the most team spirit with their personally painted crab t-shirts and crab-like dancing to the music of the band.55555
(19 votes)
Hail to the Chiefs539 viewsGuest narrator and soloist Harold Bost Sr. recently performed with the Tri-County Symphonic Band during their “Presidential Portrait” concert held on Sunday, February 4 in Old Rochester Regional High School’s Auditorium. The show’s theme was a tribute to both the office of the presidency and commemorated the upcoming President’s Day Holiday. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(40 votes)
Mattapoisett Thanksgiving Walk669 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust recently hosted a walk through the wilds of Brandt Island Cove led by Land Trust member Ruth Bates. The walk offered participants the opportunity to trek through land parcels the organization has proposed to acquire. Ms. Bates guided about two dozen hikers through the thickets and meadows of the Trust’s Ferreira Preserve to the salt marshes along Brandt Island Cove. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).55555
(53 votes)
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