Top rated - I'm a Wanderer

040104970 viewsAfter a shopping spree at the famed Harrods, Lee Yeaton of Mattapoisett posed here with a copy of The Wanderer, for which she works as a contributing writer, alongside her niece in London, England during a recent trip. The two enjoyed an elegant afternoon tea at Brown’s Hotel in London. While there Ms. Yeaton also visited with her granddaughter, Genevieve Wheeler (ORR Class of 2001), a student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who is doing her junior year abroad at the University of Stirling, Scotland. (Photo courtesy of Lee Yeaton). 4/1/04 edition     (38 votes)

112504-21172 viewsThe grandchildren of Thomas and Linda Tilden of Marion — Adam Carvalho, Selena Carvalho, Michael Edgerton, and Thomas Edgerton — pose with a copy of The Wanderer and a familiar Disney character while on vacation. (Photo by Laura Edgerton). 11/25/04 edition     (49 votes)

08-30-01-3980 viewsJack and Hallie Thomas of Mattapoisett pose with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent family vacation at Baxter State Park in Millinoket, Maine with Mount Katahdin visible in the background. 8/30/01 edition     (40 votes)

031005-11014 viewsResidents throughout the tri-town area are more than ready to “Think Spring!” as suggested by this friendly snowman seen here posing with his two friends, Gabe Chuckran of Marion and Marissa Lake of Mattapoisett, along with a copy of The Wanderer. The winter icon was perched at the corner of Randall Road and Route 6 in Mattapoisett last week in the aftermath of another hefty snowfall ... hopefully one of the last for this year. 3/10/05 edition     (22 votes)

02-14-02-21016 viewsAllison Roney, a second grade student at Center School in Mattapoisett (in Miss Haugen’s class) poses with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip with her family to Cancun, Mexico. The background view is from the balcony at the Royal Caribbean overlooking the ocean and pool area. 2/14/02 edition     (46 votes)

Geraldo at Large1064 viewsA Marion summer resident since 1980, TV news reporter Geraldo Rivera poses with a copy of The Wanderer just after his guest appearance on the FOX 25 Morning News Show’s “Zip Trip” remote from the Marion Town Wharf. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).     (35 votes)

6-21-01-4993 viewsLuAnn, Alyssa, Lois and Donald Tucker (formerly of Mattapoisett) pose with a copy of The Wanderer at Flutie Athletic Field in Melbourne Beach, Florida during a recent trip. 6/21/01 edition     (38 votes)

6-21-01-31001 viewsMattapoisett Library Director Judy Wallace and her husband, David Gries, took time to pose with a copy of The Wanderer outside of Monticello, the famous home of one of America’s best-known and sometimes controversial founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson. 6/21/01 edition     (40 votes)

062404-21089 viewsA great time was had by several local residents recently in Jamaica. Pictured here posing with The Wanderer are Linda East-Boyd of Marion, Chad Peter of Fairhaven, Auntie Deb Baldwin of Acushnet, Adam Kirby of Rochester, Melissa Traenkle of Marion, and Heidi Nicol of New York. 6/24/04 edition     (40 votes)

03-08-011078 viewsStephen Gendron and Cheryl Souza pose with a copy of The Wanderer at the Daytona 500 which they attended last month on February 18 with friends Lauren and Doug Lemieux. One of the premier auto racing events in the world, this year’s event unfortunately claimed the life of seven-time champion Dale Earnhardt, whose team member Michael Waltrip went on to bittersweet victory. 3/8/01 edition     (46 votes)

12-20-01991 viewsCould this be “Dog Day Afternoon”? No, it’s Alan and Toby Bulotsky of Mattapoisett, posing proudly with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent visit to the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, Michigan. The museum is known for many exotic and unique vehicles, including this easily-recognizable product promoter. 12/20/01 edition     (25 votes)

062404-4910 viewsTanner Studley of Mattapoisett poses with a copy of The Wanderer at the entrance to Thunder Mountain in Disney World during a recent trip with his family over the April school vacation. 6/24/04 edition     (29 votes)
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