The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Aruba Wedding572 viewsTangi Piña from Marion married Taj Thomas on June 28, 2012 in Aruba. They had a intimate beach wedding. Lauren Pina from Marion and Sam Adeso attended her sisters Wedding in Aruba. 11111
(1 votes)
Chapel of Bones636 viewsSienna and Alexander Wurl pose with a copy of The Wanderer at the Chapel of Bones in Evora, Portugal.11111
(1 votes)
Wavre, Belgium537 viewsWandering Wanderer Alan Bare recently enjoyed a trip to Wavre, Belgium. Mr. Bare remembered to take a copy of The Wanderer with him! Photo courtesy of Alan Bare.11111
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Kenya Relief527 viewsMarina Wurl, left, and Greg Wurl, right, both Mattapoisett residents, went on a 10-day Kenya Relief trip in June 2010 to help with medical needs and an orphanage in the impoverished village of Migori, Kenya. The couple described the trip as life changing, and Mr. Wurl said, "one person really can make a difference". Photo courtesy of the Wurl family.11111
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Galapagos Island554 views"Wanderers" David and Dr. Joanne Cameron traveled to the Galapagos to celebrate her recent retirement.
A photo of one of the giant Galapagos tortoises is attached, this one around 90 years old and weighing 500 pounds
(1 votes)
Snow Business736 viewsPictured here are (kneeling in front) Molly Lanagan (with her dog Annie) and Martha MacGregor; Gerald Lanagan Jr. with a recent issue of The Wanderer, Chloe Lanagan and Maggie Adams are standing in the middle row and back, from left are Jerimiah Adams, Kay-Kay Downey, Sarah Adams, Christal Lanagan, Teresa Adams, Mariah MacGregor, Abbey Adams, and Gerald Lanagan Sr. (12/25/08 issue)11111
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Kate Collins-Running Bulls.jpg
No Bull!708 viewsPeter Greco of Mattapoisett and Katie Collins of Marion pose with a copy of The Wanderer in Pamplona, Spain in July 2007 during the “Running with the Bulls.” (11/08/07 issue)
(5 votes)
Rock Lobster644 viewsChristine Collins of Newton, MA poses at the World’s Largest Lobster in Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada with a copy of The Wanderer. (Photo by Mark J. Collins) (09/04/08 issue)
(5 votes)
Brick by Brick668 viewsJackie Dyson and her grandmother, Pat Goss, pose with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip to Williamsburg, VA where they learned how bricks are made. (09/04/08 issue)11111
(4 votes)
80th Daytona 500647 viewsMark Boulange, Debbie Francouer and Isak Cook pose with a copy of The Wanderer at the recent 50th anniversary running of the prestigious Daytona 500 race. (03/06/08 issue)11111
(4 votes)
Ahmedabad, India540 viewsLast October 2009, Mattapoisett business owner Bill Patel went to visit his parents in his hometown of Ahmedabad, India, which is close to “Gandhi Ashram”, the place where M. K. Gandhi led a non-violent quest for India’s freedom. Mr. Patel had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to take a picture holding a copy of The Wanderer. The 2005 issue he is holding has a cover photo that Mr. Patel took himself. Photo courtesy of Bill Patel.11111
(2 votes)
Eastern Carribean Cruise668 viewsMattapoisett Residents took an Eastern Carribean Cruise aboard the Carnival Ship Liberty with Scott and Nicole Leblanc, Mel and Ken Pacheco, Melissa and Robert Randall and Rick and Joanne LeBlanc. (April 16, 2009 edition)00000
(3 votes)
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