The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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112504-31084 views(L. to R.) John and Dawn Vilandry of New Bedford and Charles and Lauren Rodrigues of Mattapoisett recently took a seven-day cruise out of New York to Nassau, in the Bahamas and remembered to take along a copy of The Wanderer with them to pose for this picture. (Photo courtesy of Lauren Rodrigues). 11/25/04 edition44444
(35 votes)
090403979 viewsDuring a bike/barge trip through the Burgundy region of France last month, this group of “Wandering Wanderers” traveled from Tournus to Besançon and remembered to pose with a copy of The Wanderer along the way. They include (l. to r.) Fred Rioles of Mattapoisett, Lois Rioles of Mattapoisett, Ed Scholter of Mattapoisett, Ray Lemieux of Mattapoisett, Betty Scholter of Mattapoisett, and Lorna Walker of Rochester. (Photo courtesy of Lorna Walker). 9/4/03 edition44444
(33 votes)
Corporal Denham-Rochester.jpg
Tour of Duty917 viewsCorporal Denham of Rochester poses with a copy of The Wanderer while serving his second tour of duty with the United States Marine Corps in Iraq. (1/11/07 issue)44444
(43 votes)
Mattapoisett Touring Club (6/16/05)4793 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Touring Club recently traveled to Lucerne, Switzerland and took this photo with a copy of The Wanderer, in front of a sculpture dubbed by author Mark Twain as “The Saddest Lion.” Pictured here are (first row, l. to r.) Celeste Lake, Fran McCundy, Audrey Mastrom, Betty Botelho, Polly Mostrom, Joan Daley, Diane Hassett, Carol Ripley, (second row, l. to r.) Jan Gallo, Kay Levine, Bill Armitage, Irene Daly, Paul Levine, Roz Pierce, Andre Goulart, Joan Carlson, and Ellen Rogers.44444
(103 votes)
Haley Clark8657 viewsHaley (Cope) Clark, the United States 100-Meter Backstroke World Champion and former world-record holder.44444
(172 votes)
Sun and Fun1145 viewsGabby Hoag poses with The Wanderer at the Soggy Dollar in Jost Van Dyke, BVI’s, during February vacation. (Photo by Betsy Hoag).44444
(28 votes)
Contest Winner740 viewsClaudette J. LeRoux-Bolduc of Rochester poses with a copy of The Wanderer and also a gift basket she won in our “I Found the Aardvark” monthly contest recently. (1/25/07 issue)44444
(29 votes)
Canadian Company733 viewsFriends and travelers Dorothy Salgado, Anile Perry and Lorraine Constant pose with a copy of The Wanderer at the Auberge Memphré Inn during a recent trip to our northern neighbors in Magog, Quebec. (1/25/07 issue)44444
(19 votes)
Azorean Trip643 viewsMr. and Mrs. Bill Hubbard of Mattapoisett are pictured posing in front of Mr. Hubbard’s grandmother’s house in Saint Michael’s, Azores, holding a copy of The Wanderer during a recent vacation trip. (Photo courtesy of Tim Smith). (01/24/08 issue)

(3 votes)
Mattapoisett Touring Club790 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Touring Club pose with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip to Georgia and South Carolina. Here they are seen at the scenic Plantation Gardens. (Photo courtesy of Kay and Paul Levine).44444
(11 votes)
Cara Zavaleta and Pilar Lastra8500 viewsCara Zavaleta, Playboy magazine's Miss November (2004), and Pilar Lastra, who was Miss August (2004).44444
(173 votes)
Cruisin' Couple719 viewsClaudine and Alex Perez of Wareham pose aboard the cruise ship Infinity as they travel through the Gatun Locks in the Panama Canal during a recent trip to Florida, Aruba, Mexico, Los Angeles, and San Diego. (1/11/07 issue)33333
(27 votes)
329 files on 28 page(s) 21