The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Top rated - I'm a Wanderer
11-15-01977 viewsDan and Lisa Winsor of Mattapoisett recently returned from an extended trip to South Africa and sent this photo of themselves posing with The Wanderer. It was taken in Table View, South Africa. In the background is the city of Cape Town and Table Mountain. (Photo courtesy of Dan and Lisa Winsor). 11/15/01 edition44444
(39 votes)
04-12-01-7957 viewsThe Hughes family of Rochester took a ski trip to the White Mountains of New Hampshire last month. Posing in front of the scenic overview in North Conway, NH with copies of The Wanderer are David and Louise Hughes of Rochester with their seven grandchildren: (l. to r.) Andrew Hughes (6), Michael Pruchnik (5), Kara Hughes (8), Jennifer Hughes (3), McNeil Somers (3 weeks), Nicole Pruchnik (6) and Kate Hughes (1). Also enjoying the beautiful spring weather and skiing trip (but not pictured here) were Stephen and Michelle Hughes of Mattapoisett, Carolyn and Frank Pruchnik of Rochester, Colleen and John Somers of Dorchester, and Mark and Marissa Hughes of Rochester. (Photo courtesy of Louise Hughes.) 4/12/01 edition44444
(33 votes)
1021041231 viewsAlan Pratt of 1 Cannon Street in Mattapoisett is seen here floating with a copy of The Wanderer on the Dead Sea during a recent trip in September 2004. Mr. Pratt and his wife, Cynthia Good, traveled to visit Alan’s son Jonathan who is serving with the State Department in Amman Jordan. (Photo courtesy of Alan Pratt). 10/21/04 edition44444
(42 votes)
Weather Girls1376 viewsFOX 25 Morning News Meterologist Cindy Fitzgibbon (far left) poses with a copy of The Wanderer alongside Margie Souza of Fairhaven and her nephew John Duffy during the recent "Zip Trip" to the Marion Town Wharf. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).44444
(26 votes)
062404-3911 viewsJim Shepley, Evelyn Jenks, Dr. Clay King, Ronnie King, Madelyn Fogler, and Anne Shepley recently celebrated while on vacation at the El Mirador Malaga in Spain with a copy of The Wanderer. 6/24/04 edition44444
(26 votes)
Rochester Restorer1019 viewsWilliam Maxwell of Rochester poses with a copy of The Wanderer outside a house he helped to restore in the wake of the disaster in Chalmette, Louisiana, just outside of New Orleans. Like many others, Mr. Maxwell volunteered to help with crucial relief efforts down south.44444
(37 votes)
Mattapoisett Beach Families5316 viewsWhen the winter has been a little too hard to take, where do residents of Mattapoisett escape? Apparently, to Cinnamon Bay in the U.S. Virgin Islands. During April vacation the Clarke family, the Truesdale family, and the Field/Wilbur clan all found themselves on the same sunny beach ... luckily someone had a copy of The Wanderer handy for this posed group photo.44444
(112 votes)
Louie Wanderer.jpg
Cadillac Man998 viewsLouie Aiello poses with a copy of The Wanderer on Cadillac Mountain overlooking Frenchmen Bay in Bar Harbor, Maine, Acadia National Park. (Photo by and courtesy of Pat Aleks).44444
(36 votes)
05-23-02-4983 viewsBob and Angela Moshiri of Marion Road in Mattapoisett pose with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip to the land “Down Under.” They’re sitting on a statue of a “Moa,” one of the largest birds in the world which became extinct some 300 years ago and was indigenous to NZ. 5/23/02 edition44444
(36 votes)
04-12-01-2964 viewsJackie VanVoris of Mattapoisett poses with The Wanderer at Lahaina, Maui last month. A restored brig, the Carthaginia II, can be seen in the background marking the place where in 1819 a whaler out of New Bedford anchored and was the first in Hawaii to open greater trade with the islands. (Photo courtesy of Jackie VanVoris.) 4/12/01 edition44444
(43 votes)
01-25-011003 viewsPosing with a copy of The Wanderer outside the Capitol Building in Washington, DC during last Saturday’s Inauguration Ceremony to swear in President George W. Bush are Mattapoisett residents (l. to r.) Carrie Tucker, Tom Tucker, and their son, six-year-old Tommy Tucker, a student in Mrs. Evans’ Grade 1 class at Center School. The family obtained tickets to the historic event through Congressman Barney Frank’s office. (Photo by and courtesy of Carrie Tucker.) 1/25/01 edition44444
(32 votes)
071504-2908 viewsDillon and Kayla Bailey and Kelley Burke pose not only with their favorite tri-town publication, The Wanderer, but also with a visiting harbor seal (distant right, on a rock) during a recent visit to Mattapoisett shores. 7/15/04 edition44444
(37 votes)
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