The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Top rated - I'm a Wanderer
05-23-02-3999 viewsDuring a trip to Paris this past Easter, John DeRugeris, a resident of Mattapoisett and Marion for the past 22 years, posed with friend Sonni Siegel from Rockville Centre, NY with the statue of Venus DiMilo which is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Louvre also boasts the Mona Lisa and Winged Victory as its most popular pieces. 5/23/02 edition44444
(35 votes)
Temple Tourists877 viewsMattapoisett residents Elin and Frank Bodin, Kelly and Dennis Barley, and Cindy and Tim Ray pose with their copy of The Wanderer in front of a Greek Temple in Segesta, Sicily during a November 2006 trip. (11/30/06 issue).44444
(44 votes)
071504-5876 viewsJohn and Veronika Ross of Fairhaven pose with a copy of The Wanderer during a recent visit to Ms. Ross’ parents in Meiders, Austria. 7/15/04 edition44444
(32 votes)
From Marion to Alaska1191 viewsThis past fall the Mariner family of Marion took an “unbelieveable” trip to Alaska. Pictured here with a copy of The Wanderer are Cathy, Kevin, Jonathan and Julianne Mariner.44444
(42 votes)
01-04-01 cover.jpg
01-04-01 cover1028 viewsA visit to Roslyn, Washington home of the television show "Northern Exposure."44444
(42 votes)
040705-4937 viewsMyra Hart (right) of Mattapoisett poses with a copy of The Wanderer alongside a member of the Vienna Boys Choir after attending a Sunday performance recently while touring Germany, Switzerland and Austria. (Photo courtesy of Myra Hart). 4/7/50 edition44444
(38 votes)
Waterfall Wanderer1077 viewsToya Doran Gabeler, who grew up in Mattapoisett and still comes home every summer to her family’s cottage at Angelica Point, poses here with a copy of The Wanderer during a trip to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina last February. Here she is seen standing at Iguazu Falls, a UNESCO world heritage site where there are over 300 waterfalls!44444
(39 votes)
03-15-011037 views“In Dublin’s fair city / Where the girls are so pretty / I first set my eyes on / Sweet Molly Malone.” Five-year-old Troina Cuddy of Mattapoisett meets “Molly Malone” herself on a recent trip to Ireland’s capital city, and here she poses in front of a monument to the legendary lass with a copy of her favorite reading material. 3/15/01 edition44444
(39 votes)
040705-11021 viewsHannah Elizabeth Lafreniere, daughter of Peter and Pamela Lafreniere of Mattapoisett and granddaughter of John and Veronica Lafreniere of Rochester, poses with a copy of The Wanderer on a scenic beach in the Dominican Republic during a recent vacation with her parents and grandparents. (Photo courtesy of Veronica Lafreniere). 4/7/50 edition44444
(35 votes)
Texas Tourists1151 viewsArlene Calhoun of Newark, SC (far left) and Anne Bowman of Mattapoisett (far right) pose with an unidentified friend and a copy of The Wanderer during a recent trip to a mission in Texas. (Photo courtesy of Chris Faunce).44444
(30 votes)
090904-3966 viewsBarbara Hill and her family pose with a copy of The Wanderer while on vacation recently at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. (Photo by and courtesy of Lisa Hill). 9/9/04 edition44444
(31 votes)
Peak Performance944 viewsWiley and Chase Gibson of Marion pose with a copy of The Wanderer at Mount Greylock, the highest peak in Massachusetts at 3,491 feet. The Gibson family represented Massachusetts by climbing it as part of the “50-50-1” event (50 states, 50 peaks, 1 goal), a benefit for the Cancer Foundation held on June 26. (Photo by Lisa Gibson).44444
(21 votes)
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