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Dr. Suess' Birthday Party254 viewsStory time at Shining Tides Dr. Suess' Birthday Party on Thursday March 8th. (Photo by Felix Perez)
Mother’s Day Tiara 5K Run254 viewsThe 6th Annual Mother’s Day Tiara 5K Run in Mattapoisett on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2012. Photo by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Memorial Day Boat Race254 viewsOn Monday, dozens of boats hit the Mattapoisett River for the 78th Annual Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race. Boat 1, comprised of Sean Shaw of Rochester and C.J. Hedges IV of Hamden, CT, won the title for the third year in a row with a time of 1:47:47. Photos by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Charles Pickles Cruise254 viewsRay Pickles, Charles' father, co-organized the event which as been taking place since 2006. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Mattapoisett Road Race254 viewsOn Wednesday, July 4, over 1,000 runners braved the rain to participate in the Annual Mattapoisett Road Race. All money raised from the 5-mile race will benefit graduating students from Old Rochester Regional High School. Photo by Felix Perez.
Summer Sizzler 254 viewsOver a hundred people attended the Summer Sizzler at Shipyard Park which featured 24 chefs from around the area. The event was held to raise money for the Women's Center of New Bedford. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Rochester Road Race254 viewsA runner catches his breath after completing the Rochester Road Race on Saturday, August 11. The 5K race is sponsored by Covanta SEMASS. Photo by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Buzzards Bay Coalition Bike Ride254 viewsOn Sunday, October 14, 147 riders pedaled across southeastern Massachusetts to participate in the 6th Annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride in order to raise money for the Buzzards Bay Coalition. There were two route options, one 75-mile and one 35-mile course that led riders all throughout the region, including the Tri-Town. The ride raised $68,000 for the organization's initiatives. Photos courtesy Buzzards Bay Coalition.
Salty Soiree254 viewsMLT member Paul “Ozzie” Osenkowski toasts a marshmallow over the fire during the annual Salty Soiree on October 20, at Dunseith Gardens in Mattapoisett. Photo by Eric Tripoli
Concert in the Park254 views It’s a windy wet day but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the musicians at Shipyard Park On Thursday May 23. The Junior High band and Chorus entertained the masses through the gusts and mist for a grand kick off to the summer concert season. Photos by Paul Lopes
ORR Class of 2013254 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School seniors graduated on Saturday, June 8, in a commencement ceremony that took place in the gymnasium as storms threatened. For full coverage of the event, in addition to Senior Awards, see our ORR Update on page 38. Photos by Felix Perez
Mattapoisett Lion’s Club Triathlon 2013254 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lion’s Club held the annual Triathlon on Sunday officially kicking off the list of events for Harbor Days which continue through this weekend. For a complete list visit
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