The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Harbor Days 2012255 viewsFrom Friday, July 20 to Sunday, July 22, the Mattapoisett Lions Club hosted the 26th Annual Harbor Days celebration in Mattapoisett. Thousands of patrons flocked to the Mattapoisett waterfront to check out the food, live entertainment and vendors. Photos by Felix Perez.
ORR Class of 1962255 viewsOn Saturday, August 4, over 30 members of Old Rochester Regional's Class of 1962 gathered at the Reservation Golf Club to celebrate their 50th high school reunion. The Class of 1962 was the first class to ever graduate the school. Photo by Felix Perez.
Brad Barrows Bike Run255 viewsOn Saturday, September 15, dozens of motorcycle riders gathered at Rick’s Tavern in Mattapoisett to participate in the 3rd Annual Brad Barrows Bike Run from Mattapoisett to Bridgewater. All money raised will be donated to youth sports in the Tri-Town and in Fairhaven. Photo by Felix Perez.
Buzzards Bay Coalition Bike Ride255 viewsOn Sunday, October 14, 147 riders pedaled across southeastern Massachusetts to participate in the 6th Annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride in order to raise money for the Buzzards Bay Coalition. There were two route options, one 75-mile and one 35-mile course that led riders all throughout the region, including the Tri-Town. The ride raised $68,000 for the organization's initiatives. Photos courtesy Buzzards Bay Coalition.
Soil Profiles255 viewsStudents used soil augers and other tools to investigate soil colors and textures in the woods behind Sippican School on Wednesday October 24 during the Marion Natural History Museum’s after-school program. Then they created their own soil “profiles”. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold
Marion Holiday Stroll255 viewsBernadette Kelly and Paul Grover of Robert Paul Properties distributed free hot chocolate and mini-marshmallows to residents during the annual Marion Holiday Stroll on Sunday, December 9. Photo by Eric Tripoli
Holiday Ornaments255 viewsMattapoisett resident William Staple applies glue dots to his nutcracker Christmas tree ornament. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
New Talk Show255 viewsORRHS Senior Emun Legesse hosts her own talk show. Emun’s first guest is ORR School District Superintendent Doug White. Tune into this insightful and informative show on the Tri-town Ed. Channel Comcast Ch.97 and Verizon Ch.3. Photo by: Deborah Stinson
Oklahoma!255 viewsORR Drama Club’s production of Oklahoma runs from March 21 to 24, 2013. Photos by Felix Perez
Oklahoma!255 viewsORR Drama Club’s production of Oklahoma runs from March 21 to 24, 2013. Photos by Felix Perez
Mattapoisett Lions Club255 viewsDespite cool raining weather members of the Mattapoisett Lions Club joined together on Saturday April 20th to repair the shade shed at Ned’s Point, including a new roof. The following Saturday the members repaired the shade shed at the town beach. Both shade shed were originally built by the members of the Lions Club.
Sippican’s Got Talent255 viewsEighty-four students, thirty-seven performances, six acts, and two teachers add up to one great night of entertainment. The talents showed through at Sippican School’s “Sippican’s Got Talent” on June 6, 2013. There was dancing, there was singing, magic and even stand up comedy, they had it all. Photo by Paul Lopes
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