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Earth Day 257 viewsFrom left: Will Campbell, Dave Ditata, Gary Stopka, Naida Parker, Sharon Lally and Mark Davis gather around the newly planted cherry tree at the Rochester Senior Center The cherry tree will grow to be approximately 30 feet tall, adding 1-2 feet in height each year. The tree was given to the Rochester Senior Center by Covanta SEMASS as part of the Earth Day celebration. Photo by Katy Fitzpatrick
Big Fish257 viewsManuel Perry poses with the Swordfish Weathervane which he helps maintain for display each year on the town Wharf. Photo by Joan Hartnett-Barry
Old Colony Graduation257 viewsOn Sunday, June 3, the class of 2012 graduated from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School in Rochester. Donned in gowns of cranberry and gold, the graduates participated in a ceremony that was just about an hour along, and highlighted by several speeches. Photos by Laura Fedak Pedulli.
Charles Pickles Cruise257 viewsAlmost 100 people turned out for the Charles Pickles memorial benefit cruise on Saturday, June 23, 2012, the proceeds of which go to fund kids' sailing programs in Marion and New Bedford. Photo by Eric Tripoli
Downshifters’ Car Club257 viewsEvery Monday at 5:00 pm in the parking lot of the Plumb Corner Mall in Rochester, the Downshifters’ Car Club of New England holds a Cruise Night, where dozens of automobiles from every decade are showcased to the public. Photos by Katy Fitzpatrick
Double Rainbow257 viewsThe change in weather spurred this double rainbow which was seen by many in Mattapoisett this past weekend. Photo by Trish O’Neill
Mattapoisett Road Race257 viewsOn Wednesday, July 4, over 1,000 runners braved the rain to participate in the Annual Mattapoisett Road Race. All money raised from the 5-mile race will benefit graduating students from Old Rochester Regional High School. Photo by Felix Perez.
Buzzards Bay Swim257 viewsOn Saturday, July 7, over 200 swimmers plunged into Buzzards Bay for the 9th Annual Buzzards Bay Swim. The Buzzards Bay Coalition runs the event each year, trying to raise money for their restoration efforts for the Buzzzards Bay Watershed. Photo by Felix Perez.
Vermont Cyclists257 viewsA group of cyclists from Vermont take time from their ride to say hi Sunday afternoon near the Mattapoisett Bike Path. Photo by Felix Perez.
Salty Soiree257 viewsLiam Waldron of Mattapoisett enjoys some s’mores at the Salty Soiree at Dunseith Gardens on Saturday, October 20. Families were invited to listen to ghost stories and sing spooky songs after sundown. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Sippican Choral Society257 viewsOn Sunday, December 2, the Sippican Choral Society held its annual Christmas concert at Wickenden Chapel at Tabor Academy. The Sippican Chamber Choir and South Coast Children’s Chorus performed a mix of sacred and secular music in front of a packed house. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
New Year Plunge257 viewsOn January 1, 2013, Mattapoisett Town Beach played host to a New Year’s polar plunge fundraiser. The event, which attracted over 400 people, raised money to benefit BAM Foundation, Inc., a New Bedford non-profit which donates money to South Coast families dealing with members who have cancer. The Huggins family of Mattapoisett received such a donation while husband and father, William, was in treatment for cancer in his colon and liver. Photo by Eric Tripoli
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