The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Nature Photography269 viewsThank you to all of our followers on Facebook and for sharing all your great nature and wildlife photos. We couldn’t fit them all so be sure to check out our Facebook page for more!
The Rain Forest268 viewsSippican School got wild on February 7, 2011 when Mike Kohlrieser and his wildlife friends visited the school for a special performance, “The Rain Forest.” Photos by Felix Perez.
Trackers268 viewsValerie and Nick Wisniewski from Walnut Hill Tracking and Nature Center presented an informative slide show at The Marion Natural History Museum on March 12, 2011. The group then went for a walk at Washburn Park in Marion and pointed out several animal tracks. Photo by Felix Perez.
4th of July Parade268 viewsMarion celebrated the country's birthday in style with their annual Benjamin Cushing VFW Post 2425 Independence Day parade on July 4, 2011. The winner of "Best in Parade" were the Girl Scouts, who won $100 for their parade float. Photos by Joan Hartnett-Barry.
Heritage Days 2011268 viewsThe Fairhaven Village Militia made their annual encampment along the Mattapoisett River on August 6, 2011, as a part of Heritage Days. The Militia demonstrated 18th century living, made beef stew, completed drills, and talked about the dentistry methods of that time period. For video of the Militia, including a cannon demonstration, visit Photos by Anne Kakley and Felix Perez.
Annual Clambake268 viewsThe annual Benjamin Cushing Post 2425 VFW Clambake took place on August 14, 2011. Gray skies and intermittent rain didn't stop almost 400 people from attending the event. Photos by Felix Perez.
Family Fun Day268 viewsMagician Skip Daniels wowed the audience with a magic show at the August 21, 2011 Rochester Family Fun Day. Photo by Laura Fedak Pedulli.
Family Fun Day268 viewsRochester Police Chief Paul Magee demonstrated his baseball skills at the August 21, 2011 Rochester Family Fun Day. Photo by Laura Fedak Pedulli.
RMS Ribbin Cutting268 viewsA new and improved Rochester Memorial School was celebrated at a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 2, 2011. Over 100 local residents and dignitaries attended the event. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Scarecrow Fun268 viewsThere was a green pig but no Angry Birds at the October 15, 2011 Mattapoisett library scarecrow contest. This scarecrow was made by the Dupre family. Photo by Felix Perez.
Halloween Parade268 viewsThe Marion sixth grade drummers kicked off the start of another Halloween Parade on Front Street on October 31, 2011. Photo by Shawn Sweet.
Sippican Woman's Club 268 viewsMarion residents Harry Norweb and Pam Norweb spoke about their six-week trip to Asia at the Sippican Woman's Club meeting on January 13. Pictured here, the Norwebs enjoy an elephant ride along the Mekong River in China. Photo courtesy of Harry Norweb.
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