The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Weekend Fun270 viewsMany of our readers shared what they were up to this weekend. Share your moments with our Facebook Group.
Weekend Fun270 viewsMany of our readers shared what they were up to this weekend. Share your moments with our Facebook Group.
BLM Rochester270 viewsA “Black Lives Matter” protest march drew hundreds to Rochester late in the afternoon of June 12. Escorted by several Rochester policemen on foot, participants who had gathered in front of Town Hall marched down Dexter Lane to the police station, where several individuals spoke about racism and told stories of discrimination based on skin color. The protest was organized by Wareham resident Alexis Sylvia, who had spent several years living in Mattapoisett and Rochester. Photos by Mick Colageo
BLM Rochester270 viewsA “Black Lives Matter” protest march drew hundreds to Rochester late in the afternoon of June 12. Escorted by several Rochester policemen on foot, participants who had gathered in front of Town Hall marched down Dexter Lane to the police station, where several individuals spoke about racism and told stories of discrimination based on skin color. The protest was organized by Wareham resident Alexis Sylvia, who had spent several years living in Mattapoisett and Rochester. Photos by Mick Colageo
Nature Photography270 viewsThank you to all of our followers on Facebook and for sharing all your great nature and wildlife photos. We couldn’t fit them all so be sure to check out our Facebook page for more!
As You Like It269 viewsRochester Memorial School presents Shakespeare's As You Like It to the general public on Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 pm at the Sippican School, 16 Spring Street in Marion. The production will be held in Marion because the Rochester Memorial School is currently being renovated. A $7 donation will be collected at the door. Photos by Felix Perez.
Marion Town Meeting269 viewsThe boy scouts presented the colors at the Annual Town Meeting in Marion on May 16, 2011. Photo by Felix Perez.
Classic Car Show269 viewsMarion held its first ever Classic Car Show at Silvershell Beach on July 16. The event was a new way to bring recreation and memories to Marion, according to Recreation Director Jody Dickerson, who coordinated the event. Photos by Anne Smith.
Sand Castle Contest269 viewsLast week was Beach Ball Bonanza at the YMCA Sippican Learning Center. Not only did the children have fun getting wet, having picnics, and playing Beach Ball Bingo, but they had a Sand Castle Contest. Photo courtesy of Sharon Fayette.
Heritage Days 2011269 viewsChildren festooned their bicycles and enjoyed a ride around the village as a part of the 2011 Mattapoisett Heritage Days on August 6. Other Saturday activities included guided village tours, an evening concert and a treasure hunt. Mattapoisett bustled with activities on Saturday, but the bonfire was canceled due to wind, and many Heritage Days activities were canceled on Sunday due to heavy rain. Photos by Felix Perez.
Mother Goose269 viewsThe children of Ms. Boudreau's kindergarten class were among the Center School students who enjoyed a visit from Mother Goose (Anne-Marie Forer) on the morning of December 9, 2011. The event was arranged by the Mattapoisett PTA, Arts and Humanities Committee. Photo by Anne Kakley.
Dr. Suess' Birthday Party269 views5 year old Ezra Thompson of Mattapoisett. (Photo by Felix Perez)
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