Memorial Day 2007656 viewsMembers of the Sippican School Band marched in the Annual Memorial Day Parade held in Marion Village on Monday, May 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Triple Challenge656 viewsPaul Bedard, Jr. (#3) of Westport, MA finished third overall in the 2007 Mattapoisett Lions Club Triathlon held on Sunday, July 15 with a final time of 53:21. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Groundhog Cover Entry 2007655 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Alex Cannell
Aida at ORR655 viewsPast and present members of the Old Rochester Regional High School Drama Club came together under the direction of Paul Sardinha for a remarkable three-day summer production of Aida, the acclaimed Broadway show from Tim Rice and Elton John, which was staged at the high school last weekend. The show offered great performances, lavish musical numbers, and eye-popping costumes and set design that thrilled the packed-house audiences each night. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
A Tribute to Heroes655 viewsMattapoisett artist and sculptor Keith Francis poses with the sculpture he designed and built in tribute to the Worcester Six, the firefighters who perished in the tragic Worcester Warehouse fire on December 3, 1999. The massive one-ton sculpture now sits in his North Street backyard in clear view of several neighbors who are either firefighters, retired firefighters or relatives of firefighters. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Global Warming655 viewsStudents at Rochester's Memorial School were given a rare look at this scaled inflatable model of Planet Earth during a recent Earth Balloon program sponsored by professors from Bridgewater State College. The unique learning tool allows students to see the entire planet from both outside and inside. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Memorial Day655 viewsThe second grade of Rochester Memorial School planted flowers donated by the Fire Department at the Memorial last week in preparation for Memorial Day. Photo by Paul Lopes. (May 28, 2009 cover)
Tinkhamtown Chapel 655 viewsCarolers gathered at Tinkhamtown Chapel in Mattapoisett on the evening of December 17, 2011, to evoke the Christmas spirit. Revelers enjoyed old holiday song favorites and warmth from a potbelly stove. Photo by Felix Perez. December 22, 2011 edition
Rochester Halloween '06654 viewsThis "Little Princess" took home a prize and trophy for carving one of the award-winning Jack-o'-Lanterns which lined the parking lot of the Plumb Corner Mall in Rochester during their first-ever Halloween Event held on Monday, October 30. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Mattapoisett Halloween '06654 viewsJack Thomas took top prize in the junior/senior high school category for his “toy soldier” in the 2006 Mattapoisett Halloween Parade. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
ORR Bomb Scare654 viewsUnits from the Marion Police and Fire Department guard the side entrance to Old Rochester Regional High School during a bomb threat which forced the evacuation of the school on Monday morning, April 9. Students were bused to Tabor Academy in nearby Marion while the threat was investigated. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Triple Challenge654 viewsParticipants in the 2007 annual Mattapoisett Lions Club Triathlon literally dive into the first challenge in the triple event: a swim in the waters of Mattapoisett Harbor. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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