The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Hurricane Irene316 viewsAlthough wind gusts teetered on hurricane strength, Irene was a tropical storm as she made landfall in the Tri-Town on August 28, 2011. The storm knocked out electricity for over 200,000 NSTAR customers in Massachusetts. On Tuesday, as The Wanderer was being sent to the printer, many Mattapoisett residents were still without power. Photo by Anne Kakley.
Tabor Water Test316 viewsKeyan Golestaneh pulls water samples while Christian Caban marks results at Sippican inner harbor on November 3, 2011. These Tabor students perform the water test three to four times a week as a part of their Marine Biology class with Ms. Albright. Photo by Paul Lopes.
Church's Field Frost316 viewsIt's a beautiful, cold morning at Church's Field in Rochester on November 6, 2011. Photo by Paul Lopes.
Rochester Gifts to Give316 viewsAnthoney Daniel, Madison Gregg, Ayana Hartley, Erin Taylor and Delaney Shaw of the First Congregational Church of Rochester Youth Group collected items for the Gifts to Give drive on November 19. The group reported an outstanding turnout for the drive, filling a box truck with donations. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Senior Thanksgiving Dinner316 viewsOld Rochester Junior High students assisted in the Senior Thanksgiving Dinner at the school on Sunday, November 20, 2011. The kids served approximately 300 meals. From left to right: Victor Morrison, Lauren Gaspar, Mallory Kiernan, Samantha Medeiros, Kyra Greco, Sarah Beaulieu, Zoe Smith, Lily McIntire, Sara LaFrance, Maggie Wiggin and Emily Joeiphson. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
2012 Groundhog Cover Contest 316 views2012 Groundhog Cover Contest entry by Linette Lizotte
RMS Drum Circle316 viewsOtha Day led about 50 people in a drum circle on Monday, April 30 in Rochester Memorial School cafeteria. The event was sponsored by the RMS PTO. Photos by Laura Fedak Pedulli.
Studio Visit316 viewsTelevision students at ORRHS had a chance to tour one of the biggest news stations in Boston this week as they made their way to WBZ studios to observe a live television newscast. Photo courtesy of Debbie Stinson.
Mattapoisett Road Race316 viewsOn Wednesday, July 4, over 1,000 runners braved the rain to participate in the Annual Mattapoisett Road Race. All money raised from the 5-mile race will benefit graduating students from Old Rochester Regional High School. Photo by Felix Perez.
Mattapoisett Historical Society 316 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Society held its 55th Annual Meeting on Sunday afternoon at the Museum and Carriage House, honoring outgoing President and Town Historian Seth Mendell in a ceremony that included the announcement of an endowment fund named for him. New President Jennifer McIntire presented Mendell with an award. Photos by Felix Perez and Marilou Newell. October 3, 2013 edition
Old Rochester Bulldogs 7th Grade Travel Team316 viewsThe Old Rochester Bulldogs 7th Grade Travel Team were crowned Champions at the 2014 South Plymouth St. Pats Basketball Tournament on March 7th – 9th. The boys finished the weekend with a record of 5-0. The team from left to right starting with the back row includes: Head Coach Ken Ross, Noah McIntyre, Bob Ross, Cole McIntyre, Matthew Brogioli, Jake Mourao, and Assistant Coach Bob Mourao. Front row is Noah Massad, Dillan Villa, Nate King, Adam Breault, Isaiah Ostiguy, Adam Sylvia, and Joe Robinson (on floor
Marion Pack 32 Cub Scouts Fundraiser316 viewsThe Marion Pack 32 Cub Scouts, with the sponsorship of the Marion Recreation Department, held a Tabor Skate fundraiser on Sunday, January 11 in the Travis Roy Rink at Johnson Arena at Tabor Academy. Skaters sipped coffee and hot chocolate and enjoyed an afternoon of frozen fun while supporting the Scouts of Marion. Photos by Colin Veitch
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