Community Gardening342 viewsMattapoisett residents, including some members of the Mattapoisett Sustainability Club, gather on April 17, 2010 to spruce up a community garden on the corner of Pine Island Road and Prospect Road. Armed with rakes and rubber boots, the group braved a cold morning to make their plots squeaky-green. Photo by Felix Perez.
Helping Hands and Hooves342 viewsHelping Hands and Hooves, a Mattapoisett-based non-profit organization in the area of Aucoot Cove, gives horseback riding lessons to disabled people in the Southcoast region. The rides are therapeutic to the students, who anticipate their lessons each week so much that they even hold the rides in the rain. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Memorial Day342 viewsThe Florence Eastman Post 220 in Mattapoisett hosted the town’s Memorial Day observance and parade on May 31, 2010. The ceremony began with a service at the Veteran’s monument in front of the library, and then a parade assembled and marched to the town wharf and to Cushing Cemetery. The ceremony was held in memory of Lt. Chris Byron. Photos by Felix Perez.
2010 Road Race342 viewsMattapoisett’s 40th Road Race took place on the steamy Saturday morning of July 3, 2010. Over a thousand runners registered for the highly anticipated annual five-mile event. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Rochester Country Fair342 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.
COA Endowment342 viewsThe Rochester Council on Aging (COA) has been named in the last will and testament of Edward and Louise Wheeler, Rochester senior residents. The Wheelers lived in Rochester for many years, and bequeathed $50,000 to the Rochester COA from their estate. Photo courtesy of Sharon Lally.
2010 Halloween Cover Contest342 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2010 Halloween Cover Contest
Holiday in the Park342 viewsSanta, snowmen, reindeer, and even an elf on stilts welcomed holiday revelers during this year’s edition of the Mattapoisett Holiday in the Park on Saturday, December 4, 2010. Photos by Felix Perez.
Shirley Retires342 viewsShirley Darcy, longtime assistant to the Rochester Planning Board and Conservation Commission, enjoyed a special retirement party in her honor on December 28, 2010. Photo by Laura Pedulli.
Mattapoisett Band Concert342 viewsThe Mattapoisett Band Concert, a diverse group of musicians from the Tri-Town area, performed at the Town Gazebo on Wednesday, July 6. The performance included showtunes compilations from The Sound of Music and West Side Story. Photo by Shawn Sweet.
Drum Party342 viewsThe Rochester Plumb Library celebrated the end of the summer reading program with a drum party, featuring Otha Day, at the First Congregational Church on July 29, 2011. Photos by Felix Perez.
2011 Halloween Cover Contest342 viewsAn entry in our 2011 Halloween Cover Contest by Lisa Costa
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