The Big Bake343 viewsMichael Lamoureux of the American Legion Florence Eastman Post 220 called the August 8, 2010 clambake a “gigantic success”. Close to 240 people came to enjoy an old-fashioned clambake with the Lions’ Club, the Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53, Mattapoisett firefighters, and the Firefighters Auxiliary Club all pitching in to help. Photos by Lynn Short.
Rochester Country Fair343 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.
Rochester Country Fair343 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.
Charles Parsons343 viewsMarion artist Charles Parsons is hosting an Open House and Studio at his home at 24 South Street in Marion on Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and Sunday, September 26 from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. These shows are open to the public, and donations will benefit Community Nurse and Hospice Care. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Fagan.
Accident on 195343 viewsA green Pontiac struck a state trooper's vehicle on 195 westbound on September 15, 2010 at the Mattapoisett 19A exit. Both the driver of the Pontiac and the state trooper were hospitalized. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley.
Little Shop343 viewsSophie Marshall and Jacob Swift pose as their characters Seymour and Audrey in the upcoming Tabor Academy fall musical, "The Little Shop of Horrors." Photo by Felix Perez.
Holiday in the Park343 viewsSanta, snowmen, reindeer, and even an elf on stilts welcomed holiday revelers during this year’s edition of the Mattapoisett Holiday in the Park on Saturday, December 4, 2010. Photos by Felix Perez.
First Snow343 viewsA winter wonderland descended upon the Tri-Town overnight on Sunday, December 19, 2010, blanketing the towns with snow just in time for the holidays. Photos by Laura Pedulli.
Tinkhamtown Chapel343 viewsThe pews were filled at Tinkhamtown Chapel during its annual caroling event on December 18, 2010. The carolers sang traditional holiday favorites by the light of eight kerosene lights. Photos by Felix Perez.
Early Morning Fire343 viewsThe Marion Fire Department responded to an early morning fire on Bullivant Farm road on Wednesday February 16, 2011. Photo by Paul Lopes
Buddha Trek343 viewsWhile most of us bunkered down in our offices and homes on this clear winter day, about a dozen members of the Nipponzan Myohoji, a Japanese Buddhist Order, and their supporters could be seen walking, chanting and banging a drum along Route 6 on February 24, 2011. Photo by Laura Pedulli
Rockets343 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum's after-school program featured "Rockets" with Dr. Dills of the UMass Dartmouth Chemistry Department on March 2, 2011. The participants had fun constructing the nose-cones and adding weight, attaching fins, and decorating their rockets for launch. Many flew 100 feet or more! Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold.
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