The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Escape to New York698 viewsThe girls of Mattapoisett Brownie Troop #75 recently escaped for a trip to New York City on April 14 where they visited the Statue of Liberty and posed with a copy of The Wanderer at the base of the monument. (Photo courtesy of Brownie Leader Sandy Thomas).
Free Lunch!698 viewsWho said there is no such thing as a free lunch? The aardvark was on hand at The Wanderer's Free Lunch day October 8, 2011. Photo by Felix Perez.
Congregational Christmas696 viewsMila and Tiana Puscizna, sisters who arrived in the United States in February of this year from the Ukraine after being adopted by a local family who belong to Rochester’s First Congregational Church, experienced the generosity of Operation Christmas Child firsthand and were able to reciprocate during the church’s holiday fair recently. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
ORR Holiday Concert 2006693 viewsMembers of the ORR Chorus performed during Old Rochester Regional High School's 2006 Holiday Concert held in the ORR High School Auditorium. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
A Little Winter Music693 viewsMembers of the South Coast Chamber Music Society perform classical pieces during their recent winter concert at Tabor Academy’s Lyndon South Auditorium in Marion on Saturday, January 20. The evening began with a brief history lesson by the Society’s President, Anthony J. Lewis, Ph.D. The South Coast Chamber Music Society will next be at Tabor Academy on March 3, 2007 performing the works of Brahms, Martinu, Schumann and Weber during their spring concert. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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Girl Scout Support693 viewsMembers of Marion’s Daisy Girl Scout Troop 67 (pictured here with Troop Leader Stacy Soucy) have each adopted a soldier stationed overseas in order to send them a care package each month. Among the items the girls have been sending are basic toiletries, cards, books, puzzles and nonperishable food items. The most recent packages included Valentine’s Day cards and Girl Scout cookies. (Photo courtesy of Stacey Soucy).
Water Wedding693 viewsM.J. Linane of Saugus, MA, and Elise Goyette of Rochester (Team #43) became engaged while making the final trek down the Mattapoisett River in the 2007 Memorial Day Boat Race. A banner asking Elise for her hand in marriage was hung along the Arch Bridge in Mattapoisett just before the two made their way to the finish line. (Photo by Tim Smith).
Congregational Christmas693 viewsA "Birthday Party for Jesus" Christmas Fair was held at the First Congregational Church of Rochester on Saturday, November 10. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester Rummage693 viewsThe First Congregational Church of Rochester held their annual outdoor Rummage Sale on the Town Green in Rochester Center on Saturday, August 30. The event drew a sizeable crowd of potential customers looking for great items at bargain prices. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Students Sowing Seeds692 viewsSecond graders at Rochester Memorial School received a grant of 200 bulbs from the North American Flowerbulb Wholesales Association, and small groups of students set the 178 bulbs around the school’s sign and on either side of the front door earlier this week. Remaining bulbs will be cultivated and studied in the classroom. Students are now eagerly looking forward to April when their plantings will begin to bloom. (Photo courtesy of Linda Medeiros).
Generous Girls692 viewsRochester siblings, Arissa (11) and Deianeira "Nara" (9) Underhill, seen here flanking FOX 25 personality Cindy Fitzgibbon, were featured on the station's Morning News Zip Trip in Middleboro on Friday, August 3, 2007. The sisters were featured for their donation of 375 brand new books to FOX's Reach Out and Read Literacy Foundation Book Drive. This is the second year in a row that the siblings have been featured for their humanitarian/community service efforts. (Photo courtesy of Dawn Underhill).
East Over Opening691 viewsSteve Sloan, the Southeast Regional Director of the Trustees of Reservations (center, pointing) leads a tour of the newly-opened East Over Farm in Rochester during the recent Grand Opening Celebration. The 75-acre conservation area is now open for public use with walking trails that abut historic stone walls encasing some of the most scenic fields, woods, and ponds in the tri-town area. The Grand Opening drew over 200 participants who came to celebrate the event. (Photo by Nancy MacKenzie).
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