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Multicultural Festival 349 viewsThe local AFS (American Field Service) held a multicultural festival on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at the Center School in Mattapoisett. The festival included several stations that displayed information about different cultures from around the world. Exchange students from Thailand, Panama and Northern Germany also enjoyed the festivities. According to Kim Corazzini, the festivals organizer, the event helped expose children to other nationalities and promoted multicultural learning. Photo by Felix Perez.
Multicultural Festival 349 viewsThe local AFS (American Field Service) held a multicultural festival on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at the Center School in Mattapoisett. The festival included several stations that displayed information about different cultures from around the world. Exchange students from Thailand, Panama and Northern Germany also enjoyed the festivities. According to Kim Corazzini, the festivals organizer, the event helped expose children to other nationalities and promoted multicultural learning. Photo by Felix Perez.
Community Giving349 viewsMike Lamoureux of the American Legions Florence Eastman Post 280 and long-time member of the Mattapoisett Lions Club receives a check from Mattapoisett Lions Club President Helene Rose to sponsor four students to attend Boys and Girls State Convention. Photo courtesy of Helene Rose.
Memorial Day349 viewsThe Florence Eastman Post 220 in Mattapoisett hosted the town’s Memorial Day observance and parade on May 31, 2010. The ceremony began with a service at the Veteran’s monument in front of the library, and then a parade assembled and marched to the town wharf and to Cushing Cemetery. The ceremony was held in memory of Lt. Chris Byron. Photos by Felix Perez.
RMS Groundbreaking349 viewsIt was a momentous day in Rochester on May 28, 2010, when the school held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Rochester Memorial School project, scheduled to be completed in the 2010/2011 school year. The $26M project will renovate the existing building and add a considerable addition to accommodate Rochester’s growing population. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
The Butterfly349 viewsThe Butterfly, a boat skippered by Vern Tisdale, left from Mattapoisett Harbor at the August 15 2010 Stone Horse Rendezvous and Builder's Cup, sponsored by the New Bedford Yacht Club. Photo courtesy of Tom Kenney.
Scarecrow O'Rama349 viewsChildren demonstrated their talent at the fine art of scarecrow making at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Saturday, October 16, 2010. The event was sponsored by Friends of the Mattapoisett Library. Photos by Felix Perez.
Memorial Day349 viewsA great crowd turned out for Memorial Day observances on the grounds of the Mattapoisett Public Library this Monday, May 30, 2011. Photo courtesy of Rebecca McCullough.
M/V Mattapoisett 349 viewsJennifer Collyer, wife of Karl Collyer who passed away February 2010, christens the M/V Mattapoisett in his honor. "M/V Mattapoisett was the call sign of Mr. Collyer who worked 40 years at the Mattapoisett Boat Yard and also served as harbormaster in the 1970s. Photo by Felix Perez.
Play Ball!349 viewsOn Saturday, April 28th, Marion Recreation held its Girls Softball Opening Day at Washburn Park in Marion.
Opening Day349 viewsIt was Opening Day for the Old Rochester Little League April 28th. Wally the Green Monster and Former Red Sox Pitcher and South Coast native Brian Rose were on hand for the parade and opening ceremony. Photo by Felix Perez.
Buzzards Bay Swim349 viewsOn Saturday, July 7, over 200 swimmers plunged into Buzzards Bay for the 9th Annual Buzzards Bay Swim. The Buzzards Bay Coalition runs the event each year, trying to raise money for their restoration efforts for the Buzzzards Bay Watershed. Photo by Felix Perez.
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