The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Moonlit Salty357 viewsEveryone had a blast at Salty’s Moonlight Soiree at Dunseith Gardens on November 7, 2009. The Mattapoisett Land Trust provided sticks, marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and entertainment. Children roasted their marshmallows while they enjoyed Big Ryan from Big Ryan’s Tall Tales. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Winter Storm357 viewsStrong southeasterly winds combined with heavy rain and an usually high tide to create flooding conditions along Tri-Town coasts and marshes on the morning of December 3. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
Wall of Celebration357 viewsLeft to right: Nick Bergstein, Casey MacKenzie, Andrew Dessert, and Seth Richard proudly display their “Wall of Celebration” at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School. The wall shows all the different December holiday celebrations from around the world. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Oscar Picks357 viewsMattapoisett residents Michele and Luke Couto pose with their tote bag filled with Oscar goodies on Friday, March 12, 2010. Ms. Couto won the Wanderer gift bag and assorted movie-related prizes in our annual Oscar Pick contest. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Zumbathon357 viewsThe ORR high school gymnasium was alive with music and movement on Sunday, April 11, 2010, when dancers took to the floor for a good cause. For a $30 contribution, participants could Zumba for three hours, and the proceeds of the Zumbathon went to Compassionate Care for ALS in Falmouth, a non-profit organization that provides equipment and support to families affected by ALS. The Zumbathon was in honor of Jeffrey Lawrence, a 47-year-old man living with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
Bluegrass357 viewsA Bluegrass concert to benefit Heifer International was held at the Mattapoisett Congregational Church on May 8, 2010. Heifer International works to end world hunger and poverty by donating livestock to families in need. The recipients raise and breed their livestock to donate to others in need, thus continuing the cycle of giving. Photo by Felix Perez.
Memorial Day357 viewsThe Florence Eastman Post 220 in Mattapoisett hosted the town’s Memorial Day observance and parade on May 31, 2010. The ceremony began with a service at the Veteran’s monument in front of the library, and then a parade assembled and marched to the town wharf and to Cushing Cemetery. The ceremony was held in memory of Lt. Chris Byron. Photos by Felix Perez.
Rochester Country Fair357 viewsRochester’s Country Fair was a great success despite the cancellation of the Town Ball Game, Woodsman Show, the Block dance and the Bonfire due to EEE. The weather was perfect on Saturday as children raced frogs, climbed walls, bounced in castles and much more. Although the weather was less than perfect on Sunday, residents lined the streets with lawn chairs and umbrellas to watch as the Hillbilly themed parade passed. Photos by Felix Perez.
Bike Bridge357 viewsBeams with guardrails – built by students from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical School – were hoisted into place on December 3, 2011, to widen a bridge over Mattapoisett River. The new 14-foot bridge, slated for completion in the spring of 2011, is part of the bike and pedestrian path. Photos by Laura Pedulli.
Flying High357 viewsTwo-year-old Brady Araujo watches a kite flying on a Mattapoisett beach on April 29, 2011. Photo courtesy of Sheila Araujo.
Walking at Ned's Point357 viewsLeslie Geil and Carl Lamoureux from Mattapoisett are taking in some sun at Ned's Point on Monday, December 26. Photo by Felix Perez.
Sweet Sounds of Music357 viewsFriends of Old Rochester Music held their first concert of the season entitled, “Sweet Sounds of Music” on Thursday, October 18. Students from both the High School and Junior High School were showcased. Pictured here is Emma Collings.
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