The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Old Rochester Little League364 viewsThe Old Rochester Little League celebrated its Opening Day of the 2016 season on Saturday, April 30 at Gifford Park off Dexter Road in Rochester. The young athletes took part in the traditional Opening Day parade, which began at Dexter Park and concluded at Dexter Field. The players then circled the field for the National Anthem, with a flyover by Glenn Lawrence in his plane. After opening ceremonies, the first games of the season were held. Photo by Colin Veitch
2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry364 views2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by John Horan
Class of 2019364 viewsOld Rochester Regional graduated its class of 2019 on Saturday, June 1, outside on the main athletic field. Seen here, Michaela Mattson addressed her fellow graduates. Mattson received the Departmental Award for Distinction in three areas: Mathematics; Science, Technology, and Engineering; and also in Foreign Language (Spanish). See the list of names for the graduating class on Page 42 and senior awards winners on Page 39. Photos by E.O. Bednarczyk
ORR High School Spirit364 viewsFriday, October 25 was the date of the Old Rochester Regional pep rally when students present their class ‘skits’ and pull out the stops to show their ORR High School spirit. Photos by Erin Bednarczyk
Pizza with Santa364 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood held its annual Pizza with Santa at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center on Sunday, December 8. ‘Chief’ Santa and Mrs. Claus entertained the little ones before enjoying a pizza lunch. The Police Department’s “Fill a Cruiser” toy drive was in full gear as well, with several guests bringing toy donations to benefit children in foster care. Photos by Jean Perry
4th Horse Show363 viewsThe Marion Horse Show took place once again this past weekend at Washburn Park as part of the town's annual Independence Day celebrations. The event also included a reading of the Declaration of Independence, which was preceded by a short history of some of the document's lesser known signers. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Aardvark at the Fair363 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.
Aardvark at the Fair363 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.
Aardvark at the Fair363 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.
Aardvark at the Fair363 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.
Aardvark at the Fair363 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.
Police Station Ground Breaking363 viewsConstruction on the new Marion Police Station officially began on September 8, 2009 with a groundbreaking ceremony. Among those present were Police Chief Lincoln Miller, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Stephen Cushing, Selectmen Roger Blanchette and Jonathan Henry, Project Manager Rick Pomeroy, Architect Brian Humes, Building Committee Chairman Dale Jones, and Jonathan Scully of B.C. Construction. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
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