
I Found the Aardvark!367 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.

Aardvark at the Fair367 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.

Aardvark at the Fair367 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.

Aardvark at the Fair367 viewsThe Wanderer's aardvark visited the Rochester Country Fair on August 22, 2009 and took some time to see the sights and pose with some visitors.

Police Station Ground Breaking367 viewsConstruction on the new Marion Police Station officially began on September 8, 2009 with a groundbreaking ceremony. Among those present were Police Chief Lincoln Miller, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Stephen Cushing, Selectmen Roger Blanchette and Jonathan Henry, Project Manager Rick Pomeroy, Architect Brian Humes, Building Committee Chairman Dale Jones, and Jonathan Scully of B.C. Construction. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley

Disaster Drill367 viewsFairhaven Fire Department hosted a full-scale exercise to improve emergency response in the region. Mattapoisett, Rochester, Dartmouth, Freetown, Acushnet, and New Bedford all responded to a disaster that simulated an accident between a school bus and an oil truck at Livesey Park in Fairhaven. Twenty drama students from New Bedford Vocational High School played the part of injured students who were assessed and treated for injuries. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.

Disaster Drill367 viewsFairhaven Fire Department hosted a full-scale exercise to improve emergency response in the region. Mattapoisett, Rochester, Dartmouth, Freetown, Acushnet, and New Bedford all responded to a disaster that simulated an accident between a school bus and an oil truck at Livesey Park in Fairhaven. Twenty drama students from New Bedford Vocational High School played the part of injured students who were assessed and treated for injuries. Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley.

Journey's End367 viewsTrees were trimmed along Brant Beach Avenue, and N Star worked with Comcast to bring some power lines down so the Francoeur house could be placed onto its new foundation on November 10, 2009. Debbie Francoeur and her son Isaac have t-shirts and hats available for those wishing to purchase a keepsake of the move. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley.

Candyland367 viewsCandyland Faire Fun - the rain didn�t stop Holiday-minded buyers from attending the Mattapoisett Congregational Church�s Candyland Faire on November 14, 2009. It was standing-room only as people browsed through tables of hand-knitted sweaters, fudge, baked goods, festive dishes and more. Even Mrs. Claus took a break from her busy schedule to attend! Photo by Anne O�Brien-Kakley

Antiques in Rochester367 viewsGinny Decker brought a pair of Victorian era frames to be appraised at Rochester Woman's Club Antique and Collectible show. These frames contain photos of her grandparents Nathaniel and Betsy Barros. Betsy Barros was the cousin of Lavinia Warren Stratton, the wife of General Tom Thumb who was made famous by P.T. Barnum. The 115-year-old frames were appraised at $150 to $200 for the pair. Photo by Felix Perez.

Salty's Holiday Hat367 viewsSalty the Seahorse is enjoying a new look for the holiday season. The Mattapoisett Land Trust fitted the town's mascot with a santa hat on December 10, 2009. Salty lives at Dunseigh Gardens, one of many properties that the Mattapoisett Land Trust preserves for the town. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley.

Toe Jam367 viewsOn Saturday, January 23, 2010 the Toe Jam Puppet Band performed at the Center School in Mattapoisett to benefit the Project Grow Parents Group. Children and adults danced while the band entertained them with original songs and general silliness. Photos by Felix Perez.
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