The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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F1 Racer369 viewsOn June 18, 10-year old Dylan Villa of Marion competed in the F1 Boston Racing Championships and won first place in his division. Mr. Villa has been racing at F1 for the past two years, and has competed in three championships. The young racer hopes to eventually own his own race-car and compete at the larger tracks in the area. Photo courtesy of Terri Villa.
Road Race369 viewsAnd they're off! The 41st annual Mattapoisett Road Race took place on July 4, 2011 under gray skies. Race-goers got a special treat when NBC's The Voice contender, and Mattapoisett resident, Devon Barley started the event with the National Anthem. For video coverage of Devon's performance, visit and search "WandererComm". Photos by Felix Perez.
Sippican Moon369 viewsWanderer reader Tania Tan took this photo of a full moon hanging low over Sippican Harbor on January 7, 2012. Ms. Tan shared the photo on The Wanderer's Facebook page, and Wanderer staff loved the photo so much, it was made this week's cover. Do you have a Tri-Town picture to share? We want to see it! Find us at and "like" us!
Marion Recreation Basketball369 viewsMarionRecreation Wildcats, Boys 7 & 8 Grade Travel Team: Standing (left to right): Coach Kyle Erha, Tyler Mourao, Nick Mezzanote, Nick Rego, Nate Hall, Alex Bilodeau, Andrew Riggi, Etsub Legesse, Kneeling: Jack Murphy, Jack Sollauer, Caleb Jagoda, Colin Bourgeois, Joey MacKay
Marion Fireworks Beach Party Gala369 viewsMarion Fireworks Beach Gala on Saturday April 6th was a huge success bringing the town one step closer to 4th of July Fireworks. Photos by Beth Redman and Paul Lopes. April 11, 2013 edition
2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry369 views2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Olive May Huggins
2018 Halloween Cover Contest 369 views2018 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Brody Viveiros
2018 Halloween Cover Contest 369 views2018 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Robert Flynn
2018 Halloween Cover Contest 369 views2018 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Jack Thompson
Lost Coins369 viewsThey say one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Treasure or not, the workers at SEMASS, the massive trash to energy facility in Rochester, never know what might filter through while processing the region’s trash. This collection of metal objects is a sample of the myriad metal things pulled from the trash flow by large magnets every day. Looks like treasure to us! Photo by Jean Perry January 17, 2019 edition
Tri-Town Basketball369 viewsTri-Town Basketball season concluded on March 14t with playoff night at ORR High School. The league had over 200 players from the Tri-Town in Grades 3-6. Photos courtesy Greta Fox
Girls Champions Grade 3-6 – Lynx; 5th/6th Grade Champions – Celtics; 3rd/4th Boys Champions Celtics
Annual Grange Fair369 viewsThe Rochester Grange held its Annual Grange Fair this past Saturday, August 17, an event that fills the Grange Hall with all the elements of the bucolic beauty that is Rochester. Photos by Jean Perry
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