The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Fall Clean-up369 viewsThe Mattapoisett Highway Department spent last week resurfacing the Fire Department driveway while in the background the Cathay Temple building received a new roof. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley
Disaster Drill369 viewsFairhaven Fire Department hosted a full-scale exercise to improve emergency response in the region. Mattapoisett, Rochester, Dartmouth, Freetown, Acushnet, and New Bedford all responded to a disaster that simulated an accident between a school bus and an oil truck at Livesey Park in Fairhaven. Twenty drama students from New Bedford Vocational High School played the part of injured students who were assessed and treated for injuries. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Christmas Holiday Shop369 viewsSt. Anthony’s and St. Rita’s parishioners combined efforts to give the community a Christmas Holiday Shop and Celebration on Saturday, December 5, 2009. The basement of St. Anthony’s church was decked out in snowflakes, wreaths, bells, bows, and a Santa sleigh. Santa listened patiently as children told him what they wanted for Christmas. A beautiful bake table tempted visitors with gooey confections and warm malasadas were enjoyed by all. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Giving Tree369 viewsMembers of Jane Tougas’ Grade 8 Enrichment class created the Giving Tree, which stood at the entrance of Old Rochester Regional Junior High School. Donated socks adorned the Christmas tree before being sent off to an area charity to benefit those in need on December 18, 2009. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Multicultural Festival 369 viewsThe local AFS (American Field Service) held a multicultural festival on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at the Center School in Mattapoisett. The festival included several stations that displayed information about different cultures from around the world. Exchange students from Thailand, Panama and Northern Germany also enjoyed the festivities. According to Kim Corazzini, the festivals organizer, the event helped expose children to other nationalities and promoted multicultural learning. Photo by Felix Perez.
Community Gardening369 viewsMattapoisett residents, including some members of the Mattapoisett Sustainability Club, gather on April 17, 2010 to spruce up a community garden on the corner of Pine Island Road and Prospect Road. Armed with rakes and rubber boots, the group braved a cold morning to make their plots squeaky-green. Photo by Felix Perez.
ORR Graduation369 viewsThere was much pomp and circumstance when the Class of 2010 graduated from Old Rochester Regional High School on June 5, 2010. Despite the rain, the students smiled as they greeted their future of possibilities. Speakers included National Honor Society president Kelsey Jean Frink and Valedictorian Jean Smith. Photo by Felix Perez.
ORR Sail Car Wash369 viewsMembers of the Old Rochester Regional High School Sailing Club soaped, scrubbed and washed cars on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at the Mattapoisett Fire Station. All proceeds of the fundraiser supported the Sailing Club at ORRHS. Photos by Felix Perez.
Veteran's Day369 viewsPatriotism was alive and well at Old Hammondtown School during its morning Veterans Day ceremony on November 11, 2010. Attendees in the packed auditorium enjoyed music by the school’s concert band and speeches by George Randall, Barry Denham and Lt. Cmdr. Julian Bishop. Photos by Laura Pedulli
Bulldog Dash369 viewsMore than 200 walkers and runners, young and old, came out on a sunny and cold Saturday on November 27, 2010 for the Bulldog Dash. The event raised money to help offset new extracurricular student fees. Photos by Laura Pedulli.
Tinkhamtown Chapel369 viewsThe pews were filled at Tinkhamtown Chapel during its annual caroling event on December 18, 2010. The carolers sang traditional holiday favorites by the light of eight kerosene lights. Photos by Felix Perez.
Brush Fire369 viewsA recent fire scorched leaves and charred trees over an acre of forest adjacent to the Dexter Lane Athletic fields and the Rochester Senior Center on Thursday, April 21, 2011. Photo by Chris Martin.
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