Halloween Happenings371 viewsEveryone was dressed up for the occasion at the Marion Halloween Parade on October 31, 2009, even the dogs! Photo by Paul Lopes
Veteran's Day 2009371 viewsVeteran's Day 2009
Candyland371 viewsCandyland Faire Fun - the rain didn’t stop Holiday-minded buyers from attending the Mattapoisett Congregational Church’s Candyland Faire on November 14, 2009. It was standing-room only as people browsed through tables of hand-knitted sweaters, fudge, baked goods, festive dishes and more. Even Mrs. Claus took a break from her busy schedule to attend! Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley
Heifer International371 viewsWith the help of a grant, Marion children read their way to a donation for Heifer International last summer, and plan on reading for livestock again this summer. The summer reading program purchased two goats, a llama, a flock of chickens and more, for families in developing countries. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley.
Reading Time371 viewsMattaposiett Free Public Library Children’s Librarian Linda Burke shows off “Zebro”, a library cart that collects books and keeps the children’s room neat and organized. Ms. Burke gave a special storytime to preschoolers on Friday, January 8, 2010. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Reading Time371 viewsMattapoisett preschoolers visited the Free Public Library on Friday, January 8, 2010 to enjoy a special storytime with Children’s Librarian Linda Burke. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
Toe Jam371 viewsOn Saturday, January 23, 2010 the Toe Jam Puppet Band performed at the Center School in Mattapoisett to benefit the Project Grow Parents Group. Children and adults danced while the band entertained them with original songs and general silliness. Photos by Felix Perez.
Storytellers371 viewsOn Thursday, March 11, storytellers Anne-Marie Forer and Cindy Killavey, the dynamic duo that makes up “Take Two Tandem Tellers”, performed for Center School’s first graders. Their storytelling program incorporated song and Anne-Marie Forer accompanied with fiddle and guitar. The children and teachers enjoyed this fun, interactive experience. Photo courtesy of Debra Nettles.
Class of 2010371 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School graduates from the Class of 2010 toss their caps up in the air and celebrate a bright future on June 5, 2010. Photo by Tim Smith.
ORR Graduation371 viewsThere was much pomp and circumstance when the Class of 2010 graduated from Old Rochester Regional High School on June 5, 2010. Despite the rain, the students smiled as they greeted their future of possibilities. Speakers included National Honor Society president Kelsey Jean Frink and Valedictorian Jean Smith. Photo by Felix Perez.
YMCA Clambake371 viewsThe Mattapoisett YMCA enjoyed a clear night at their Saturday, August 7, 2010 annual clambake. The clambake benefits the YMCA’s initiatives and is a fun way for the community to help the non-profit group meet its annual financial goals. Photos by Felix Perez.
Champions371 viewsMattapoisett’s baseball team, A's, beat the Indians in the finals to win the championship! The team is coached by Bob Mourao, Chris Parker, Lee Hamilton and Donna Parker. Players include Sean Nutter, Adam Estes, Will Saunders, Nate Hall, Kyle Boyle, Brady Gracia, Alexis Parker, Hunter Parker, Cam Hamilton and Tyler Mourao.
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