The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Thanksgiving Football383 viewsThe ORR Bulldog stands ready to cheer on the crowd at the Thanksgiving Day game against Apponequet on November 24, 2011. ORR won 20 to 13. Photo by Paul Lopes
ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team383 viewsThe ORR Girls’ Volleyball Team gave it their best on September 14 versus Fairhaven, but lost the third game in the series. They are at a loss of 1-3 games so far in the five-game series, but still have a chance at the overall win. Photos by Colin Veitch
Old Rochester Little League383 viewsThe Old Rochester Little League celebrated its Opening Day of the 2016 season on Saturday, April 30 at Gifford Park off Dexter Road in Rochester. The young athletes took part in the traditional Opening Day parade, which began at Dexter Park and concluded at Dexter Field. The players then circled the field for the National Anthem, with a flyover by Glenn Lawrence in his plane. After opening ceremonies, the first games of the season were held. Photo by Colin Veitch
Triathlon383 viewsThe Triathlon kicked off the first of the many Harbor Days events scheduled over the week and into the weekend. Hosted by the Mattapoisett Lions Club every year, the triathlon takes racers .25 miles from the shore of Town Beach and back, 10 miles bicycling through Mattapoisett, and 5K through the village around Ned’s Point Lighthouse. Photos by Colin Veitch
SLT Oyster Fest 383 viewsThe Sippican Lands Trust’s Beer and Oyster Fest fundraiser was a hit despite the threat of approaching Hurricane Dorian, which was replaced with blue skies just in time, and holding the event earlier in the day mitigated the guests’ exposure to EEE-carrying mosquitos. The SLT sold 214 tickets and was pleased with the turnout. Photos by Shawn Sweet and Lauren Boucher.
Rochester Tree Lighting383 viewsIt was a rainy Rochester holiday tree lighting, but the show went on nonetheless. Santa skipped his usual fire truck arrival this year for the sake of staying dry and warm, while neighboring Friendship Hall welcomed the crowd indoors to enjoy the RMS band and chorus. Photos by Andrea Ray
Victorian Sailor Valentines383 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust, in partnership with the Mattapoisett Museum, held a craft event featuring how to make Victorian Sailor Valentines from shells and other materials. Before the crafting began, more than 20 children learned that these creations were originally fabricated in Barbados by English women living there. The “Valentines” were sold as tourist items. Photos by Marilou Newell and Kyle DeCicco-Carey
I Found the Aardvark!382 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
Memorial Day Boat Race382 views86 teams finished the Annual Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River on May 25, 2009. Photo by Taylor Mello.
4th of July Parade382 viewsThe Sun finally broke through the clouds to help make for a glorious Tri-Town Fourth of July weekend highlighted by Marion's annual Independence Day Parade, hosted by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parade goers lined the streets of Marion Village as floats, antique vehicles, bands, and emergency vehicles made their way along the parade route this past Saturday morning. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
4th of July Parade382 viewsThe Sun finally broke through the clouds to help make for a glorious Tri-Town Fourth of July weekend highlighted by Marion's annual Independence Day Parade, hosted by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parade goers lined the streets of Marion Village as floats, antique vehicles, bands, and emergency vehicles made their way along the parade route this past Saturday morning. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
4th of July Parade382 viewsThe Sun finally broke through the clouds to help make for a glorious Tri-Town Fourth of July weekend highlighted by Marion's annual Independence Day Parade, hosted by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parade goers lined the streets of Marion Village as floats, antique vehicles, bands, and emergency vehicles made their way along the parade route this past Saturday morning. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
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