The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Gift Show387 viewsArt in all forms was enjoyed at a craft and vendor fair at Old Colony last Saturday, November 6. The event was hosted by the school’s Junior Class. Photos by Felix Perez
2011 Halloween Cover Contest Winner387 viewsThe winner of our 2011 Halloween Cover Contest by Emma Wyman
Old Hammondtown School Concert Band 387 views The Old Hammondtown School Concert Band performed at the prestigious Symphony Hall in Boston at the Gold Medal Showcase on April 13 after earning a Gold Medal Award at the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association festival. Photo courtesy of Jim Mahaney, April 18, 2013 edition
Quahogging387 viewsSome locals learned the basics of quahogging on Saturday, August 9, as part of the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s Bay Adventure series. Participants gathered at Mattapoisett Beach at Camp Massasoit and, led by BBC Outdoor Educator Meghan Gahm, received a little Quahogging 101. Photo By Renae Reints - August 14, 2014 edition
Tour de Crème 387 viewsSunday, May 23, was the second annual Tour de Crème hosted by the Mattapoisett Land Trust and the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path. Participants wound their way through the Southcoast on 11-, 19-, 25-, and 50-mile rides, making stops at local creameries along the way. Photos by Colin Veitch
Enraptured by Raptors 387 viewsThis tiny Eastern screech owl captured the hearts and attention of a sizeable audience – not with its sharp talons, but with its big yellow eyes, tiny ear tufts, and sweet, spooky song. The Marion Natural History Museum hosted a Birds of Prey night, with guests learning about raptors and even getting to meet a few of them from the Blue Hills Trailside Museum. Photo by Jean Perry
2019 Groundhog Cover Contest387 views2019 Groundhog Cover Contest entry by Genevieve Hebert
Class of 2019387 viewsOld Rochester Regional graduated its class of 2019 on Saturday, June 1, outside on the main athletic field. Seen here, Michaela Mattson addressed her fellow graduates. Mattson received the Departmental Award for Distinction in three areas: Mathematics; Science, Technology, and Engineering; and also in Foreign Language (Spanish). See the list of names for the graduating class on Page 42 and senior awards winners on Page 39. Photos by E.O. Bednarczyk
I Found the Aardvark!386 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
Mattapoisett Halloween Parade 2008386 viewsThe Mattapoisett Police Department once again sponsored a parade of little ghouls and goblins through the streets of Mattapoisett Village on October 31. A bevy of prizes was awarded for the best costume in various categories and treats were provided to all participants. (Photo by Patricia Aleks).
Grand Opening386 viewsRochester pulled out all of the stops as the town dedicated the Dexter Lane Community Playground on Sunday, May 31. The three-hour long dedication ceremony and party included awards of recognition for the many volunteers who helped bring the project to life while offering plenty of food and entertainment to the residents of Rochester. Photo by Robert Chiarito
4th of July Parade386 viewsThe Sun finally broke through the clouds to help make for a glorious Tri-Town Fourth of July weekend highlighted by Marion's annual Independence Day Parade, hosted by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parade goers lined the streets of Marion Village as floats, antique vehicles, bands, and emergency vehicles made their way along the parade route this past Saturday morning. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
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