The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Bikes, Bikes, Bikes!399 viewsThe Third Annual Pan Mass Challenge Kids Tri-Town Ride attracted several hundred young bicyclist to the ORR campus on Saturday morning, May 16, for a bike rally to help defeat cancer. Proceeds from the event will go to several charities in the state such as the Jimmy Fund and Dana- Farber Cancer Institute to assist in cancer research. The rally was expected to raise more than $15,000. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Wild Kingdom399 viewsOn Friday, May 29, 2009 Jim Fowler, host of Mutual of Omaha’s Animal Kingdom visited the Sippican Elementary School. Mr. Fowler brought with him a variety of animals. Photo by Sarah K. Taylor
Old Colony Graduation399 viewsThe Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical School held its Graduation Ceremony at the Oliveira Field on Sunday, June 07, 2009. Photo by Sarah K. Taylor.
Marion 5K399 viewsThe Thirteenth Annual Marion Village 5k Run took place on Saturday, June 27 with over 400 people participating in the race. The proceeds from the event support the Marion Recreation Committee's many youth programs. Photo by Robert Chiarito
4th of July Parade399 viewsThe Sun finally broke through the clouds to help make for a glorious Tri-Town Fourth of July weekend highlighted by Marion's annual Independence Day Parade, hosted by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parade goers lined the streets of Marion Village as floats, antique vehicles, bands, and emergency vehicles made their way along the parade route this past Saturday morning. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Garden Tour399 viewsThis garden at Converse Point in Marion was one of the seven gardens featured in the Gardens by the Sea event on Friday, July 10. The tour benefited St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church in Marion. Photo by Adam Silva.
Fish Story399 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Anglers Club hosted the First Annual Gus Casassa Scup Cup fishing tournament at the Mattapoisett Wharves on Saturday, July 11. The event attracted about 20 youngsters aged twelve and younger with each child receiving a new fishing rod and reel as part of their entry. Winners, who caught the largest fish of the day, also were awarded plaques for their efforts. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Eastover Trail399 viewsA boardwalk stretches through "Eastover South", a new Marion hiking trail that is being built by the Trustees of Reservation and a group of local volunteers. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Rochester Country Fair399 viewsScenes from the 2009 Rochester Country Fair. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
Rochester Country Fair399 viewsIt was fun in the August sun at the 2009 Rochester Country Fair. Plumb Corner was transformed into the ultimate fairground, with lots of craft and food vendors, and fun activities. Fair-goers enjoyed a scarecrow contest, a tractor-pull, a frog jumping contest, a children's parade, and so much more. Photo by Robert Chiarito
PD Training399 viewsOn August 20, 2009, police officers from the Southeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council Rapid Response team conducted training exercises at 73 County Road in Rochester from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. 25 officers from various local police departments, including Mattapoisett, Rochester and Marion, gathered to practice “flash bangs” and “simunitions.” Photo by Paul Lopes
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court399 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
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