Opening Day415 viewsThe Mattapoisett Youth Baseball League opened their 2009 season with a parade down Route Six on Saturday morning, May 2. Special guest and Boston Red Sox mascot Wally the Green Monster was on hand to throw out the first pitch and sign autographs for the young players. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Memorial Day Boat Race415 views86 teams finished the Annual Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River on May 25, 2009. Photo by Taylor Mello.
Invaders415 viewsThe Invaders program held at the Marion Natural History Museum
In Memory415 viewsMattapoisett’s Memorial Day service. Photo by Sarah K. Taylor.
Circus Time415 viewsThe Cole Brothers Circus made its annual visit to Rochester's Plumb Corner on Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25. The Circus, which featured highflying aerial acts, animal acts and plenty of clowns played four shows under the big top during its two-day stay. Proceeds from the circus will help to fund children's events throughout the year at Plumb Corner such as the Annual Easter egg hunt and the Halloween party. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Fish Story415 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Anglers Club hosted the First Annual Gus Casassa Scup Cup fishing tournament at the Mattapoisett Wharves on Saturday, July 11. The event attracted about 20 youngsters aged twelve and younger with each child receiving a new fishing rod and reel as part of their entry. Winners, who caught the largest fish of the day, also were awarded plaques for their efforts. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Eastover Trail415 viewsA boardwalk stretches through "Eastover South", a new Marion hiking trail that is being built by the Trustees of Reservation and a group of local volunteers. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Car Show415 views2009 Mattapoisett Heritage Days started on Friday August 7, 2009 with an antique car show and a cookout dinner at Shipyard Park. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
Rochester Country Fair415 viewsScenes from the 2009 Rochester Country Fair. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
Rochester Country Fair415 viewsIt was fun in the August sun at the 2009 Rochester Country Fair. Plumb Corner was transformed into the ultimate fairground, with lots of craft and food vendors, and fun activities. Fair-goers enjoyed a scarecrow contest, a tractor-pull, a frog jumping contest, a children's parade, and so much more. Photo by Robert Chiarito
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court415 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court415 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
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