The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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An Aardvark in King Richard's Court419 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court419 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
2010 Halloween Cover Contest419 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2010 Halloween Cover Contest
March 17, 2011419 viewsOn the Cover (top): Valerie and Nick Wisniewski from Walnut Hill Tracking and Nature Center presented an informative slide show at The Marion Natural History Museum on March 12, 2011. Photo by Felix Perez. (Bottom): The Marion Natural History Museum’s after-school program featured “Rockets” with Dr. Dills of the UMass Dartmouth Chemistry Department on March 2, 2011. March 17, 2011 edition
Tabor Academy Athletes419 viewsEighteen Tabor Academy athletes from the Class of 2016 will be off to compete in NCAA Division I sports once they graduate from the School by the Sea. This is a record-breaking year, up from seven students last year. Celebrating their success, many of the student athletes took part in a ceremony to officially sign their letters of intent with proud friends and families on hand to cheer them on.
Mattapoisett Harbor419 viewsMattapoisett Harbor as seen from Shining Tides. Photo by Felix Perez. November 17, 2016 edition
Old Rochester Youth Football419 viewsIt was a great day for all of the Bulldog divisions in the home opener for Old Rochester Youth Football vs. East Bay on Sunday. Tiny Mites won 18-12, junior pee wees 31-7, pee wees 28-6 and JV 14-6. Photos courtesy of ORYF.
2018 Groundhog Cover Contest419 views2018 Groundhog Cover Contest entry by Amanda Monson
Tri -Town Basketball 419 viewsTri-Town Basketball Girls champions “Fever,” coached by Kelly Watters
Mattapoisett Recreation introduces its newest Tri-Town Basketball champions! Photos courtesy of Marion Recreation Director Greta Fox
Freezing For A Reason419 viewsFriends bare it all for the 8th annual Freezing For A Reason on New Year’s Day 2020. Wearing designer shower caps were Maura Kelley, Helen Muller, and Linda Duchaine. They attended the event in memory of Richard Bartlett.
Mattapoisett Remembers418 viewsThe Town of Mattapoisett paid tribute to our armed forces, both past and present, with their annual Memorial Day Parade and Observance held on Monday afternoon, May 26, 2008. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Water Works418 viewsLifelong Mattapoisett resident Howard Tinkham accepts a citation from State Senator Mark Montigny during the dedication of the Mattapoisett River Valley Water District's Treatment Plant on Friday, May 30. Mr. Tinkham generously offered part of his family's land for the facility. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
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