The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser430 viewsOn March 20, Sippican Elementary School's sixth-graders narrowly defeated the teacher-parent team at their Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser for their annual Three-Day Appalachian Mountain Classroom (AMC) field trip. At the game, the students were elated when two area businesses each presented a check for over $600. The community has really come together to make sure every sixth grader gets to experience this amazing trip! Photo courtesy Sippican Sixth Grade Parents Group
Survival Week 430 viewsSurvival Week is as much a test of ORR seventh-grade students’ wilderness survival skills as it is a test of their parents’ ability to make the most of the week without their kids. On Sunday, June 9, parents, siblings, and family pets waited eagerly for their children’s arrival from Survival 2019. After a few big hugs, parents whisked their kids away to home and a hot shower. Photos by Jean Perry
ORR Thanksgiving Dinner429 viewsThe annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Tri-Town Seniors served at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, November 18, 2007. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Saving Grace429 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust (MLT) formally dedicated the Grace Pond property located at the southern end of Bowman Road on Saturday, April 26, 2008. The pond and the surrounding nine acres were acquired from Abel and Libania Grace in December, 2006 and will help support environmental diversification in the 178 acres that the MLT owns extending from the Martocci Preserve on Marion Road to the MLT property on Aucoot Road. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
I Found the Aardvark!429 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
I Found the Aardvark!429 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
I Found the Aardvark!429 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
I Found the Aardvark!429 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
FOX 25 Zip Trip429 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008.
Three-Ring Circus429 viewsCole Brothers’ “Circus of the Stars” recently rolled into Rochester on June 25 and 26 for a series of four shows over the course of two days under the Big Top pitched in the field adjacent to the Plumb Corner Mall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion 5K429 viewsMore than 300 runners came out for the Twelfth Annual Marion Village 5K Road Race on Saturday morning, June 28 race. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion 5K429 viewsBrothers Dana and Jared Dourdeville of Marion both finished in the Top Ten in the annual Marion Village 5K Road Race, with Dana coming in second overall (17:45) and Jared placing fourth overall (17:55). (Photo courtesy of Chris Adams).
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