The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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King's Realm431 viewsScenes from the 27th season of the King Richard’s Faire in Carver, MA, running every weekend through October 19. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Halloween Treat431 viewsThe Mattapoisett Police Department once again sponsored a parade of little ghouls and goblins through the streets of Mattapoisett Village on October 31. A bevy of prizes was awarded for the best costume in various categories and treats were provided to all participants. (Photo by Patricia Aleks).
Mattapoisett Veterans Day 2008431 viewsVeterans Agent Barry Denham and keynote speaker Col. Nancy Souza, USA, share a laugh during Mattapoisett’s Veterans' Day ceremony at Old Hammondtown School. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Playground Pals431 viewsAn Army of volunteers descended on the Dexter Lane Sports Complex on Saturday, March 28 to build a much anticipated playground for the town of Rochester. The project is the result of a community wide fundraising effort spearheaded by Craig Davignon's 4th grade class at Rochester Memorial School over the last several years. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
A Touch of Spring431 viewsThe Garden Group of the Mattapoisett Woman's Club took time last week to add a touch for spring to the window boxes at the post office. The woman's club also maintains the flowers outside the Town Hall, the Library, Mattapoisett Museum and Carriage House, and the Triangle (Rte. 6). Those helping out with the project included Sandy Hering (back on the left) and Estelle Jacobson (on the right), and not pictured: Marilyn Flood, Priscilla Hathaway, Peg Olney, and Lee Yeaton. (Photo by Paul Lopes)
Poetic Jazz431 viewsEllen Flynn and members of the Friends of the Mattapoisett Library welcomed poet Franklin D. Reeve to the Kinsale Inn in Mattapoisett on Sunday April 5 as part of the library's celebration of National Poetry Month. Mr. Reeve performed his piece, The Blue Cat Walks the Earth, accompianied by improvisational jazz muscians Don Davis and Joe Deleault in a performance dedicated to the memory of the late Library Director Judy Wallace. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
Lion's Dinner431 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club, with help from Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troup 53, welcomed about one hundred seniors to Mattapoisett Congregation Church's Reynard Hall for a special afternoon dinner on Saturday April, 18. The Lions Club served a hot turkey supper with all of the trimmings and also provided musical entertainment for the diners’ listening pleasure. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Rochester History431 viewsRochester Historical Commission members presented a local history assembly to the 3rd grade a Rochester Memorial School. The presenters were, (top left)Fred Underhill displaying items from Stillwater Furnace, Henry Hartley showing pictures of local Native Americans, Cindy Underhill (spouse of RHC member) talking about the early cranberry industry, and Betty Beaulieu explaining about the early schools in Rochester and Anna White showing artifacts from early churches, food and dress.
Bikes, Bikes, Bikes!431 viewsThe Third Annual Pan Mass Challenge Kids Tri-Town Ride attracted several hundred young bicyclist to the ORR campus on Saturday morning, May 16, for a bike rally to help defeat cancer. Proceeds from the event will go to several charities in the state such as the Jimmy Fund and Dana- Farber Cancer Institute to assist in cancer research. The rally was expected to raise more than $15,000. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Teddy Bear Picnic431 viewsPlumb Corner in Rochester was the sight for this year's Teddy Bear Picnic on Saturday, May 16, sponsored by the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Safety Days431 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood hosted their first annual Public Safety Day at Marion's Silvershell Beach on Saturday, June 13. The event included the installation of child safety seats in residents' vehicles, fingerprint and photo id cards for children along with displays from a variety of local, state and federal government public safety agencies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Top Lions431 viewsLion Kenneth Dawicki was honored by the club with the Lion of the Year Award presented by outgoing President Joe Rego.
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