The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Police Station Ground Breaking447 viewsConstruction on the new Marion Police Station officially began on September 8, 2009 with a groundbreaking ceremony. Among those present were Police Chief Lincoln Miller, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Stephen Cushing, Selectmen Roger Blanchette and Jonathan Henry, Project Manager Rick Pomeroy, Architect Brian Humes, Building Committee Chairman Dale Jones, and Jonathan Scully of B.C. Construction. Photo by Anne O'Brien-Kakley
Donald Jason447 viewsThis painting, entitled “Grand Banks Fisherman”, was one of many original paintings by Mattapoisett resident Donald C. Jason. Many of his paintings were featured on the covers of his weekly Presto Press, this “Fisherman” was featured on the cover of the May 27, 1992 edition, one of the last weeks the Presto Press was published. Mr. Jason, described by family members as an artist and entrepreneur, died on November 22, 2010.
Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser447 viewsOn March 20, Sippican Elementary School's sixth-graders narrowly defeated the teacher-parent team at their Basketball Bonanza Fundraiser for their annual Three-Day Appalachian Mountain Classroom (AMC) field trip. At the game, the students were elated when two area businesses each presented a check for over $600. The community has really come together to make sure every sixth grader gets to experience this amazing trip! Photo courtesy Sippican Sixth Grade Parents Group
Bloom (and Gloom) 447 viewsThe “bloom is off” the $7.9 million Marion Town House renovation article, which was defeated 214-120 on Monday night during the Annual Town Meeting. For now, the Town House will remain in its current state, which we think right now looks quite lovely juxtaposed behind the cherry blossom tree in full bloom outside. Photo by Jean Perry
FOX 25 Zip Trip446 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008.
FOX 25 Zip Trip446 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008.
Three-Ring Circus446 viewsCole Brothers’ “Circus of the Stars” recently rolled into Rochester on June 25 and 26 for a series of four shows over the course of two days under the Big Top pitched in the field adjacent to the Plumb Corner Mall. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Reading Garden446 viewsThe Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library in Rochester recently dedicated a new “Reading Garden,” an outdoor sculpture garden and sitting area, that was a gift of the family and friends of Steven Santos in his memory on Saturday morning, June 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Magic Memories446 viewsThe Showstoppers, the popular Mattapoisett-based singing troupe, just returned from a trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL, where they performed at the theme park as part of “Disney’s Magic Music Days” on August 5. The group performed at the Galaxy Palace Theater located in Tomorrowland inside Disney’s Magic Kingdom. In addition to the stage performance, they also participated in Disney’s Show Choir Magic — A Performing Arts Workshop in a backstage rehearsal hall in Epcot Center. (Photo by Kelly Zucco).
Summer Finale446 viewsDespite being postponed the prior week due to inclement weather, the Mattapoisett Police Association still managed to stage their “End of the Summer Concert” on Saturday evening, October 4 at Shipyard Park. The event drew about 100 people who came out to Shipyard Park to be entertained by the musical talents of GQ and the Lady. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Mattapoisett Veterans Day 2008446 viewsVeterans Agent Barry Denham and keynote speaker Col. Nancy Souza, USA, share a laugh during Mattapoisett’s Veterans' Day ceremony at Old Hammondtown School. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Christmas Fair446 viewsOne of the more popular "shops" at the annual Christmas Fair held at St. Anthony's Church in Mattapoisett on Saturday, December 6, 2008 was a "kids-only" area where they could pick out gifts for family members. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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