Marion 5K449 viewsThe Thirteenth Annual Marion Village 5k Run took place on Saturday, June 27 with over 400 people participating in the race. The proceeds from the event support the Marion Recreation Committee's many youth programs. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Fish Story449 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Anglers Club hosted the First Annual Gus Casassa Scup Cup fishing tournament at the Mattapoisett Wharves on Saturday, July 11. The event attracted about 20 youngsters aged twelve and younger with each child receiving a new fishing rod and reel as part of their entry. Winners, who caught the largest fish of the day, also were awarded plaques for their efforts. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court449 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
An Aardvark in King Richard's Court449 viewsThe Wanderer Aardvark visits King Richard's Fair
Bay Road Fire449 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Department responded to a house fire on Bay Road at Point Connett around 7pm on Thursday July 22, 2010. The front of the structure was heavily damaged but the Fire Department was able to quickly contain the fire and keep it from spreading to neighboring homes. Photo by Paul Lopes
Special Olympics 449 viewsTabor Academy hosted another Special Olympics event on Sunday, February 12. The snow kept a lot of participants from venturing out, but those who did enjoyed some 1:1 play with Tabor Academy student volunteers. Photos by Deina Zartman
On the ‘Clock’ 449 viewsNow you can literally watch your speed as you (hopefully) watch your speed on Route 6 with the two new permanent traffic speed indicators both east and west of the Little Neck Village entrance in East Marion. Rep. William Straus joined Police Chief John Garcia, MassDOT workers, and the Board of Selectmen early on Tuesday, June 12, for the unveiling and installation of the signs. Seen here, a State Trooper chats while Chief Garcia watches the sign flash a prompt to drivers who exceed 60 mph. Photo Jean Perry
Strong as steel 449 viewsShe’s got her heavy duty gloves, helmet, and her steel-toe boots, and she’s ready to show a group of boys and girls that welding is cool, fun, and definitely for girls. Rochester’s Emma Makuch, a freshman at Old Colony, is also a Junior Friend of the Plumb Library and on February 19 she shared her knowledge with a group of kids as part of the library’s February vacation lineup to keep kids entertained and learning. Photo by Jean Perry - February 21, 2019 edition
Oh, Tabor Boy! 449 views Tabor Boy and Spirit of Bermuda are seen here at the start of the Marion Bermuda Race on June 14. The two boats competed one-on-one in the Classic Yacht Division during this, Tabor Boy’s first attempt at the Marion Bermuda Race. Photo courtesy Spectrum Photo/Fran Grenon. See all Marion-Bermuda Race photos at www.spectrumphotofg.com
ORR Thanksgiving Dinner448 viewsThe annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Tri-Town Seniors served at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, November 18, 2007. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
She Shoots448 viewsWomen from throughout the region participated in the second annual "Women on Target" gun safety and training day held at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 18. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
She Shoots448 viewsWomen from throughout the region participated in the second annual "Women on Target" gun safety and training day held at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 18. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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