Mother's Day Road Race456 viewsThe second annual Tiara Classic 5K Mother's Day Road Race stepped off from Oxford Creamery on Route 6 in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 11. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
She Shoots456 viewsWomen from throughout the region participated in the second annual "Women on Target" gun safety and training day held at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 18. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
I Found the Aardvark!456 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
Drive-In Benefit456 viewsA benefit “Drive-In Movie” Fundraiser was held on Saturday night, June 14 at the Dexter Lane Ballfield in Rochester. The special outdoor screening of Disney's movie "Cars" was to benefit the new playground for kids at Dexter Lane. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Tracking On456 viewsThe Mattapoisett Track Club runs has resumed its nine-week summer session, with meets taking place on every Monday and Wednesday through August 13. They take place from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and is open to everyone, ages 3 and up. The club is funded by the summer Mattapoisett Wharf Dances, which take place every Thursday night at 7:00 pm. (Photo by Olivia Mello).
Marion 5K456 viewsMore than 300 runners came out for the Twelfth Annual Marion Village 5K Road Race on Saturday morning, June 28 race. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
CoastSweep 2008456 viewsCoastSweep 2008 was kicked off on Saturday, September 20 from Silvershell Beach in Marion. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Halloween Parade 2008456 viewsThe good witches of the Marion Art Center once again led a parade of little ghouls and goblins through the streets of Marion Village on October 31. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Toe Zone456 viewsEver-popular local children’s entertainers the Toe Jam Puppet Band performed recently for an enthusiastic crowd at Sippican Elementary School in Marion last weekened in a show sponsored by the Mattapoisett YMCA. The show was a benefit for the YMCA’s Annual Scholarship Fund. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Playground Pals456 viewsAn Army of volunteers descended on the Dexter Lane Sports Complex on Saturday, March 28 to build a much anticipated playground for the town of Rochester. The project is the result of a community wide fundraising effort spearheaded by Craig Davignon's 4th grade class at Rochester Memorial School over the last several years. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
Lion's Dinner456 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club, with help from Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troup 53, welcomed about one hundred seniors to Mattapoisett Congregation Church's Reynard Hall for a special afternoon dinner on Saturday April, 18. The Lions Club served a hot turkey supper with all of the trimmings and also provided musical entertainment for the diners’ listening pleasure. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Opening Day456 viewsThe Mattapoisett Youth Baseball League opened their 2009 season with a parade down Route Six on Saturday morning, May 2. Special guest and Boston Red Sox mascot Wally the Green Monster was on hand to throw out the first pitch and sign autographs for the young players. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
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