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Reading Garden444 viewsThe Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library in Rochester recently dedicated a new “Reading Garden,” an outdoor sculpture garden and sitting area, that was a gift of the family and friends of Steven Santos in his memory on Saturday morning, June 28. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion July 4 Parade444 viewsMarion's Annual Fourth of July Parade was held on Friday morning, July 4 2008 in the Marion village. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Fire Open House444 viewsThe Marion Fire Department had a busy weekend hosting an Open House event at their station on Saturday, October 11 in conjunction with National Fire Prevention Week. (Photo by Robert Chiarito.)

Copter Creator444 viewsDr. David Jenney, a retired mechanical engineer for the Sikorsky Company, recounted his forty years with the company, which included his role as a key member of the team that helped to develop the Black Hawk helicopter, during a recent monthly meeting of the Maconchu Club of Mattapoisett on November 8. A member of the club, Dr. Jenney came to Sikorsky in the early ‘50s, fresh out of college, looking for a career that would challenge him to use his engineering skills. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Holiday in the Park444 viewsRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer greets a happy fan during Mattapoisett's Annual Holiday in the Park held on Saturday, December 6, 2008 in Shipyard Park. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Take-Out444 viewsMembers of the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marion prepared Texas Style Chicken Barbeque take out dinners on Sunday April 5 at the Post's Pavillion on Route Six. The dinners gave residents the chance to sample a hearty helping of Chef Ron Barros' special BBQ sauce recipe with all of the trimming for a $10.00 donation. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
Dixie Diehards444 viewsThe Foxoboro based Dixie Diehards brought their authentic brand of ragtime, blues and dixieland jazz to the Marion Art Center on Saturday evening, May 2. Area music lovers were treated to the band's tribute to Fats Waller as the Art Center presented their Springtime Cabaret concert. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Teddy Bear Picnic444 viewsPlumb Corner in Rochester was the sight for this year's Teddy Bear Picnic on Saturday, May 16, sponsored by the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Safety Days444 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood hosted their first annual Public Safety Day at Marion's Silvershell Beach on Saturday, June 13. The event included the installation of child safety seats in residents' vehicles, fingerprint and photo id cards for children along with displays from a variety of local, state and federal government public safety agencies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Harbor Days444 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club's Harbor Days Celebration 2009 wrapped up on Sunday, July 19 after a week of dining adventures, live entertainment and craft fair fun. Thousands of visitors flocked to the Mattapoisett waterfront for this annual event now in its twenty sixth year. Proceeds from the celebration help to fund many of the Club's charitable endeavors, including the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Michaud Arena444 viewsThe Chuck Michaud Arena behind the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School will be dedicated on December 5. The arena will benefit roller hockey, lacrosse, and basketball. The arena will be dedicated to the memory of a well-loved coach, Chuck Michaud, who passed away in 2000. Photo by Anne O’Brien-Kakley.
MattRec 2876444 viewsThe Tri-Town Basketball League finished its season on Thursday, March 9. The March Madness Playoff night was held at Tabor Academy. Both teams that made it to Finals night were announced by name and had the pleasure of playing in front of a large crowd on the Main Court.
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