What's the Buzz?474 viewsThe Second Annual Lizzie T’s Spelling Bee to benefit Marion’s Elizabeth Taber Library was held on Thursday, March 6 at the Marion Music Hall. Eleven teams of three members each competed in three rounds for the title of "Best Spellers." (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Prominent Poets474 viewsLocal poets Margot Wizanshy, Diana Der-Hovanessian and Franklin D. Reeves recently provided an afternoon poetry reading at the newly-renovated Mattapoisett Free Public Library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
ORR 2008 Graduation474 viewsScenes from Old Rochester Regional High School's Commencement Exercises held on Saturday, June 7, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
ORR 2008 Graduation474 viewsScenes from Old Rochester Regional High School's Commencement Exercises held on Saturday, June 7, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion 5K474 viewsMatt Sullivan of North Andover managed to outpace over 300 other runners in the 2008 Marion Village 5K Road Race on Saturday, June 28, finishing first overall and taking the top male prize with a final time of 16:46. (Photo courtesy of Chris Adams).
Sippican Skyrockets474 viewsThe Town of Marion once again hosted a spectacular fireworks display shot off over Sippican Harbor on Thursday night, July 3. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Mattapoisett Seahorse474 viewsThis tiny baby seahorse was recently found in the waters off Point Connett in Mattapoisett. Although it doesn’t resemble the town’s landmark “Salty the Seahorse” icon in color or size, it certainly has the same curled tail and distinctively-shaped head. (Photo courtesy of Lindy East-Boyd).
Idol Worship474 viewsMattapoisett's Knights of Columbus Hall was the tri-town's version of the Kodak Theater on Saturday evening, March 7 as it hosted the second annual Magic of Music Idol 2009 talent contest. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
Front Street Budding474 viewsFront Street is beginning to look a lot like springtime. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Teddy Bear Picnic474 viewsPlumb Corner in Rochester was the sight for this year's Teddy Bear Picnic on Saturday, May 16, sponsored by the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
In Memory474 viewsMattapoisett’s Memorial Day service. Photo by Sarah K. Taylor.
Ben & Jerry’s Factory474 viewsOver February vacation, Wyatt and Emilia Cantwell visited the Ben & Jerry’s factory with cousin, Tara and their mom, Debra.
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