The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Lizzie T's Spelling Bee470 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Thursday Tennis Group the winners of this year's event!
Japanese Hero470 viewsManjiro Festival
Fairhaven, October 6, 2007
Japanese Hero470 viewsManjiro Festival
Fairhaven, October 6, 2007
Barn Building470 viewsNeighbors and friends of Dan and Kellie Crete have been working together the last few months to raise an old-fashioned, handmade barn on the couple’s property at 69 Holmes Street in Marion. Dan Crete and his family sought to add this one-of-a-kind addition to their home to be used as a gathering place for his friends and family using no nails, handmade pegs, a lot of manpower and a little bit of Yankee ingenuity. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Super Subs470 viewsMembers of the Friends of Old Rochester Music (FORM) prepared and delivered handmade Italian subs on Super Bowl Sunday as part of their annual fundraising effort. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Turn the Page470 viewsThe newly-renovated and expanded Mattapoisett Free Public Library held a formal Open House on Saturday, March 15 during which some 100 residents were given an opportunity to tour and see the town’s new facility. A follow-up grand opening and rededication ceremony is also planned for later this year to coincide with the Fifth Annual Library Day event when the town’s many summer residents return on Tuesday, July 15. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Twelfth Night at RMS470 viewsStudents in the Grade 5 and 6 Drama Club at Rochester’s Memorial School rehearse for their annual Shakespeare production which will be performed under the direction of Danni Kleiman on Thursday, April 10 at 1:00 pm and again on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 pm at the school. This year the club will proudly present The Bard’s Twelfth Night featuring 22 actors and six stage crew members made up of Grade 5 and 6 students with two additional Grade 4 students involved in the production. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Rochester Crimebusters470 viewsThe Crimebusters, a “Destination Imagination” team from Rochester’s Memorial School, won first place for their challenge at the recent Region 10 tournament. The team will be going on to the State Finals on Saturday, April 12 in Worcester, MA. The team is comprised of Grade 4 and 5 students and this is their third year together. Team members include Victoria Medeiros, Sara Lafrance, Kyle Rood, Conner West and Sarah Braza. (Photo courtesy of Kerry Bulman).
Heritage Days 2008470 viewsCooking up the all-American hamburgers and hot dogs during the 2008 Heritage Days celebration weekend. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Readers in Rochester470 viewsRochester Police Sergeant William Chamberlain reads to students at Rochester's Memorial School during the recent "Reading is Fundamental" guest reader program. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Turtle Talk470 viewsElizabeth Leidhold of the Marion Natural History Museum recently presented several programs on leatherback turtles at schools in Dartmouth under the auspices of the Buzzards Bay Action Committee (BBAC). The BBAC is a non-profit organization made up of 12 of the municipalities within the Buzzards Bay watershed. These programs are offered to schools at no charge and the BBAC is applying for a grant to fund more of these programs for local schools in the future.
Rochester Runners470 viewsRochester Road Race runners; front row: Jack Sollauer, Jennifer Williams, Meghan Pierce, Sarah Sollauer, Rachel Foye and Julia Foye, Back row: Jill Foye, Sandi Sollauer, Betsi Gingras and Cameron Pierce. With the exception of Ms. Gingras, this is everyone’s first time running in the fourth-annual Rochester Road Race, according to Ms. Sollauer. Photo by Adam Silva
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