The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Mother's Day Road Race493 viewsThe second annual Tiara Classic 5K Mother's Day Road Race stepped off from Oxford Creamery on Route 6 in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 11. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
She Shoots493 viewsWomen from throughout the region participated in the second annual "Women on Target" gun safety and training day held at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Mattapoisett on Sunday, May 18. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rowing on the River493 viewsOnce again, Sean Shaw of Rochester and C.J. Hedges IV of Hamden, CT, took first place honors in the 2008 running of the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River held on Monday, May 26, 2008. The duo finished the 11-mile course in 1:50:32 and received the coveted Jim Hartley Trophy for winning the race three consecutive years in a row. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Rochester Country Fair 2008493 viewsScene from the "Wild West" themed 2008 Rochester Country Fair held August 22-24, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester Country Fair 2008493 viewsScene from the "Wild West" themed 2008 Rochester Country Fair held August 22-24, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry493 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
Tiny and Tots493 viewsRalph and Tiny Tavares of the acclaimed New Bedford-based group Tavares pose with the “Music Minors” from Voices in Time, based in Rochester. The Music Minors are the youngest group members and range in age from five to eight. The group will be performing with the Tavares brothers as part of a Motown Christmas Cabaret on Sunday, December 21 at 6:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Route 6 in Mattapoisett. (Photo courtesy of Marlene Kalisz).
Turtle Talk493 viewsElizabeth Leidhold of the Marion Natural History Museum recently presented several programs on leatherback turtles at schools in Dartmouth under the auspices of the Buzzards Bay Action Committee (BBAC). The BBAC is a non-profit organization made up of 12 of the municipalities within the Buzzards Bay watershed. These programs are offered to schools at no charge and the BBAC is applying for a grant to fund more of these programs for local schools in the future.
Frozen Flyers493 viewsA group of South Coast pilots recently took advantage of this winter's cold conditions to use Snipatuit Pond as a landing strip. The pilots use charts provided by the United States Government to determine if the thickness of the ice is enough to support the weight of their airplanes. Pilot Ben Bailey, who lives on the shores of the pond and hosted this past week's get together, flies a seaplane off of the pond during warmer weather months. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Washington, D.C.493 viewsMattapoisett Center School Project GROW teacher Lisa Hill took the class Georges to Washington, D.C. on a Hill family trip.
Kuwait493 viewsU.S. Army Captain Robert McDavid on station in Kuwait. Robert was a 2009 graduate of ORR and a 2013 Graduate of Roger Williams University. He was deployed to Kuwait in July 2018.
Iowa State Fair493 viewsAt the Iowa State Fair with The Wanderer! L-R: Gary Sanderson of Florida, Don Woodruff of Iowa, Jeff and Melanie Perry of Rochester, and Amy and Jim Daly of New York. Photo courtesy Melanie Perry
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