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Lions Club Easter Egg Bingo Hunt 65 viewsChildren had fun at Saturday’s Lions Club Easter Egg Bingo Hunt at Arch of the Meadow, located at the former airfield on Mendell Road in Rochester. Scenes include brothers Lucas (red coat) and Ryan (blue coat) Gelinas, who were excited to visit with the Easter Bunny played by Lindsey Bacchiocchi. Henry Kanaly won the raffle and took home a gift basket. Photos by Ashlyn Buzniak, Marilou Newell and Mick Colageo
Lions Club Easter Egg Bingo Hunt 65 viewsChildren had fun at Saturday’s Lions Club Easter Egg Bingo Hunt at Arch of the Meadow, located at the former airfield on Mendell Road in Rochester. Scenes include brothers Lucas (red coat) and Ryan (blue coat) Gelinas, who were excited to visit with the Easter Bunny played by Lindsey Bacchiocchi. Henry Kanaly won the raffle and took home a gift basket. Photos by Ashlyn Buzniak, Marilou Newell and Mick Colageo
Mattapoisett Lions Club’s annual Sprint Triathlon 65 viewsMultiple generations greeted a pleasant Sunday morning and competed in the Mattapoisett Lions Club’s annual Sprint Triathlon that began at the Town Beach and ended nearby on Water Street. Photos by Mick Colageo
Keep on Plungin’ 65 viewsThe annual Keep on Plungin’ New Year’s Day swim drew well over 100 participants to Mattapoisett Town Beach, continuing a tradition started in 2013 by Will and Michelle Huggins to help families facing expenses related to cancer care. In the last two years, the community-driven effort has benefitted three families and Dana Farber with a $1,000 donation in Huggins’ honor. This year, organizers anticipate supporting at least two more families with checks for $2,000. Photos by Mick Colageo
Virginia Rail65 viewsA Virginia rail used a horse run-in on Aucoot Road in Mattapoisett as an April 4 rest stop during its northward migration. This small, secretive bird lives in freshwater and brackish marshes throughout New England during the warm months but is rarely seen. Photo courtesy Tom Richardson
Marion Natural History Museum64 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum’s afterschool group wishes to thank Dave Wilson and Isaac Perry of the Marion Harbormaster’s Office for the fun tour of Sippican Harbor last Wednesday. The wind was too strong to land on Bird Island, but we had a chance to view the activity on the island from the water and watch the terns catch some fish. We also visited with an osprey on Ram Island. We very much appreciate the opportunity to learn a little more about Marion’s bird life. Photos courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
Mattapoisett Memorial Day64 viewsThe Florence Eastman Post 280 of the American Legion held Memorial Day observances at the war memorials located on the Mattapoisett Library grounds. Photos by Marilou Newell
Marion Garden Group64 viewsThe Marion Garden Group hosted a tour on June 25, beginning in Bicentennial Park and circulating through the town to enjoy the cultivated beauty of the season. Photos by Ryan Feeney
Marion 4th of July Parade64 viewsMarion Town Administrator Jay McGrail and Select Board members Norm Hills, John Waterman, and Randy Parker walked the Independence Day parade route on Monday morning along with veterans, marching bands, Boy and Girl Scout troops, youth baseball teams, decorated floats, fire engines, and a convoy of antique cars. Beginning at the Town House, the parade route went up Spring Street, then east on Route 6 before going right onto Front Street all the way down to Main Street and back up to Spring. Photos by Ryan F
Marion Council on Aging64 viewsMerry Conway, president of the Friends of the Marion Council on Aging, cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Walking Path at the Cushing Community Center on September 24. From left: Town Administrator Jay McGrail, Select Board member Randy Parker, Merry Conway, COA Chair Harry Norweb, Administrative Assistant Donna Hemphill, Select Board Chair Norm Hills, and Community Preservation Committee Chair Jeff Doubrava. Photos by Ryan Feeney
Good News64 viewsOn October 14, Jeff and Lauren Paine of Pine Meadow Farms in Mattapoisett brought Alpacas “Good News,” a two-year-old male, and “Patience,” a 10-year-old female, to the Loft School in Marion, where Debbi Dyson's Pre-K class has been learning about Peru and the country’s alpacas and llamas. Pine Meadow will host an Open House on October 30. Photos by Mick Colageo
Good News64 viewsOn October 14, Jeff and Lauren Paine of Pine Meadow Farms in Mattapoisett brought Alpacas “Good News,” a two-year-old male, and “Patience,” a 10-year-old female, to the Loft School in Marion, where Debbi Dyson's Pre-K class has been learning about Peru and the country’s alpacas and llamas. Pine Meadow will host an Open House on October 30. Photos by Mick Colageo
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