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ORR Debate Team489 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional Debate Team has just concluded a successful season. Twenty-five students from ORR were included in the 300 students in the Eastern Massachusetts Debate League from 15 schools from around Massachusetts. March 4, 2021 edition
Santa's Sleigh488 viewsAfter arriving in Marion via boat at Island Wharf, Santa Claus mounted a carriage drawn by Clydesdale horses to participate in the town's 2006 Annual Holiday Village Stroll. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Run, Run Rudolph488 viewsRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was one of the special guests during the 2006 Marion Village Holiday Stroll held on Sunday, December 10. (Photo by Joe LeClair).
Soup Swap488 viewsReynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church was brimming with several taste sensations on Saturday, January 27 as the church played host to its first annual Soup Swap fundraiser. A perfect antidote to the colder winter climate, the event was the brainchild of Kim Field and it drew about 85 participants who cooked up their own special soup recipe to sample along with appetizers and desserts as well. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).
Oh Bee-Have.JPG
Lizzie T's Spelling Bee488 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Team: Oh Bee-Have; Erica Nourjian, Heike Milhench, & Liza Appelby, with Tom Owen standing in.
Senior Spring Fling488 viewsSeniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester participated in the eighth annual “Spring Fling” dance party on Sunday, May 6 in the Sippican School cafeteria. The event was hosted by the Marion Council on Aging (COA) with a group of student volunteers from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School, who not only helped serve refreshments, but also joined their elders on the dance floor for some contemporary and traditional dances. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester Woodsman Show 2007488 viewsOne of the highlights of the annual Rochester Country Fair was the Woodsman Show and Competition held on Friday night, August 17. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
2007 Halloween Covert Art Entry488 views2007 Halloween Covert Art Entry
Center School Book Fair488 viewsMattapoisett’s Center School, in conjunction with the Mattapoisett Parents-Teachers Association (PTA), held a book fair from Friday, November 9 through Thursday, November 15. The event was designed to not only put books in the hands of youngsters, but to also provide a fundraiser for the school’s library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Christmas Stroll 2007488 viewsRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer apparently went looking for Santa during Marion's Annual Christmas Village Stroll held on Sunday, December 9, 2007. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Braitmayer Benefactor488 viewsStaff and students at Sippican School in Marion recently honored the Braitmayer Foundation and former student Jack Braitmayer during an all-school meeting for their years of generosity to the school. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Members Show488 viewsThe 2008 Winter Members Show at the Marion Art Center opened this week. The show features 73 pieces submitted by over 35 of the MAC’s members divided between the building’s two main galleries and is open now through February 28. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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