The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Man Who Came to Dinner504 viewsKoby Williamson (in wheelchair) starred as Sheridan Whiteside, the titular "Man Who Came to Dinner" in the Old Rochester Regional High School Drama Club's production of the classic stage play. The show was presented at ORR on November 20-23 under the direction of Paul Sardinha. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Kubb Match504 viewsThe members of the Mattapoisett Land Trust hosted a game of Kubb (pronounced “koob”) on Sunday, January 25 at their Dunseith Garden property where the Seahorse is located on the corner of North Street and Route 6. This ancient game may or may not have ties dating back to the time of the Vikings and has been popular for the last 30 or 40 years on the Island of Gotland and in the southern part of Sweden. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Country Dance504 viewsRochester residents kicked up their heels to the sounds of The Relics on Saturday evening March 7 at the Redman Hall in Wareham as they partied Mardi Gras style at the Rochester Country Fair’s Annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser. Mardi Gras will be the theme for this year's Fair that will take place in Rochester in mid August.
Sprinkler Activation at ORR504 viewsThe Mattapoisett and Marion Fire Departments responded to ORR High School at 10:03am on Friday May 8, for a reported fire alarm activation. Upon arrival they found that a sprinkler head had been activated in the auditorium due to heightened heat levels. The cause of the heat was found to be a stuck thermostat on a heater in that area. The students, who vacated the school when the fire alarm sounded, remained outside the school enjoying the warm sunny day as the fire department worked to resolve the issue.
Teddy Bear Picnic504 viewsPlumb Corner in Rochester was the sight for this year's Teddy Bear Picnic on Saturday, May 16, sponsored by the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Honeymoon Trip504 viewsGeorge Fredrick �Rick� Hall from Rochester during his honeymoon trip to Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina in March. He was married to Cecelia Smith on March 5, 2011.
New Bedford Waterworks504 viewsA view from a trail at New Bedford Waterworks in Rochester, one of the many public walking/hiking retreats still open amidst advice from authorities to maintain social distance due to the coronavirus pandemic. Owned by the City of New Bedford, the Waterworks is part of the protected Assawompset Pond Complex that protects public drinking water and offers a pleasant way to view nature and get some exercise. Story inside. Photo by Shawn Sweet - March 26, 2020 edition
Rochester Woodsman Show 2007503 viewsOne of the highlights of the annual Rochester Country Fair was the Woodsman Show and Competition held on Friday night, August 17. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Evita at ORR503 viewsThe ORR Drama Club’s production of Evita was presented in the ORR High School Auditorium on March 27-30, 2008. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).
Play Ball!503 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball (RYB) League held their Opening Day ceremony in the town center on Saturday, April 19 with a parade to the Dexter Lane ballfield. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Marion Housing503 viewsMarion Affordable Housing Trust Chairman Reg Foster addresses a group of prospective architects, builders and engineers at the Little Neck Village housing complex on Saturday, May 3 along with Trust member Ora Mae Torres (foreground). The site visit also included a review of the proposed plans and a walk-through of the property in anticipation of bids to expand the 40B housing complex which are due on June 12. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rowing on the River503 viewsDan Lawrence and Brenden Chase, both of Mattapoisett, make their way down the Mattapoisett River in the 2008 running of the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race held on Monday, May 26, 2008. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
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